• Reflect

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    Reflecting on one's life is a crucial aspect of personal growth and mental well-being. In the episode with , they discuss various ways to engage in self-reflection. Techniques include journaling, meditation, and potentially therapy as methods to get in touch with one's true self. These approaches serve to help anchor individuals in their identity and strengthen their ability to handle life's challenges by encouraging a deeper understanding and acceptance of oneself 1 2.

    Additionally, emphasizes the importance of constructing a life narrative to enhance self-awareness and mental health. By reflecting on one's life story and emotional experiences, individuals can identify behavioral patterns and underlying emotional issues that may need addressing. This form of self-care not only aids in personal insight but also in the preparation for future challenges by equipping individuals with a more solid understanding of their psychological landscape 3.

    Further, meditation is explored as a perceptual exercise useful for improving focus and stress reduction, which highlights the connection between the brain and body. This approach helps maintain one's core identity and enhances self-perception despite physical or environmental changes 4.