What other benefits does the physiological sigh have?
The physiological sigh offers a range of benefits beyond immediate stress reduction:
Long-Term Stress Reduction: Regular practice of cyclic sighing, involving repeated physiological sighs for five minutes a day, dramatically reduces stress not just during the practice but throughout the entire day. It also improves sleep and lowers resting heart rate 1.
Enhanced Mood and Mental Health: By calming the nervous system and reducing stress, physiological sighs can improve overall mood and mental health. This method boosts feelings of agency and control over stress 2.
Improved Cognitive Function: Regular sighing can help maintain the proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body, enhancing cognitive performance. Reduced physiological sighing, linked to increased smartphone use, can impair comprehension and learning 3.
Effective Pain Relief During Exercise: Physiological sighs can alleviate side stitches often experienced during activities like running. This relief is due to changes in the firing of the phrenic nerve that helps manage referred pain from the diaphragm and liver 4.
Breathing Optimization: Engagement in physiological sighing helps the body efficiently manage oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. This is crucial both during wakefulness and sleep to prevent the buildup of excess carbon dioxide, which can cause discomfort and stress 5.
Incorporating physiological sighs into daily routines can be a powerful, cost-effective way to manage stress and improve overall health.