Tell me about jetlag


Jet lag is associated with time zone changes that disrupt one's internal circadian rhythm. It's particularly challenging when traveling east because it's harder to advance your sleep cycle than to delay it. Studies also suggest that frequent eastward travel may impact longevity and biological markers of aging. To manage jet lag, it's important to understand one's temperature minimum, the time when body temperature is lowest, usually in the early morning before waking. You can shift your clock with light exposure, exercise, and mealtimes relative to this temperature minimum.

mentions that jet lag includes both travel fatigue and time zone mismatch. It worsens with age as the regularity of melatonin release diminishes, making older individuals more susceptible to disruptions. Regular exercise can help adjust the circadian clock and mitigate the effects of jet lag. It's also essential to maintain meal timing and light viewing according to the local schedule of your travel destination to adapt more efficiently to the new time zone 1 2 3 4 5 6.

Jet Lag and Aging

Andrew discusses the effects of jet lag on the body, including travel fatigue and time zone jet lag. He also explains how jet lag gets worse as we age and how regular exercise can help shift our circadian clock for the sake of jet lag.

Huberman Lab

Find Your Temperature Minimum to Defeat Jetlag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness | Huberman Lab Podcast #4

For a more detailed discussion on jet lag, including its impact on health and potential mitigation strategies, you can refer to an episode of the Huberman Lab podcast specifically addressing jet lag and shift work 5.