How do you get rid of back pain and avoid it permanently


To manage and potentially eliminate back pain permanently, it's crucial to follow several protocols that account for the complexities of back health. Here are key recommendations based on insights from Dr. Andrew Huberman and back pain expert Dr. Stuart McGill:

  1. Proper Assessment: Ensure a proper assessment and diagnosis of back pain. Self-diagnosis can lead to incorrect treatments and exacerbate problems. Consider consulting with a spine specialist for persistent or severe pain 1.

  2. Strengthening Exercises: Incorporate specific back strengthening exercises such as:

    • McGill's Big Three: This includes the curl-up, side plank, and bird dog exercises, designed to strengthen the core muscles and stabilize the spine 2.
    • Curl-up Exercise: Instead of traditional sit-ups, which may exacerbate disc issues, the curl-up is recommended for strengthening the abdominal wall without increasing disc herniation 2.
  3. Foot and Leg Strength: Foot health impacts the entire body’s alignment and back health. Strengthening the feet can help alleviate back pain, particularly lower back issues. Exercises to spread toes and use toe spreaders can improve foot strength 3.

    Back Pain Insights

    Andrew shares insights from Stuart McGill on the importance of proper diagnosis for back pain and the different factors that can contribute to it, such as overuse of certain motor patterns and injuries. McGill emphasizes the need for individualized approaches to rehabilitation, including surgical options in some cases.

    Huberman Lab

    Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back
  4. Postural Adjustments: Being conscious of everyday movements and postures can greatly affect back health. Simple adjustments like maintaining proper sitting posture, using lumbar support, and avoiding one-sided pressures can reduce pain 4.

  5. Movement Patterns Awareness: Develop an awareness of your movement patterns throughout the day to spot behaviors that might perpetuate pain or restrict mobility, thereby adjusting to healthier habits 4.

It's crucial to approach back pain with a comprehensive strategy including physical exercises, proper posture management, and an understanding of body mechanics. For severe cases, it may be necessary to consider medical interventions such as medications or surgery, depending upon the specific diagnosis. Always consult a healthcare professional before trying new treatments for back pain 1.