what are the benefits of watching professional wrestling according to rick rubin


discusses the benefits of watching professional wrestling as it provides a sense of playfulness and relaxation. Wrestling allows for the expectation of the unexpected and offers the excitement of a sports event without the pressure of competition. According to Rick Rubin, everyone in wrestling works together to put on the best show possible, likening the experience to a ballet rather than a combative sport with high stakes. The collaborative nature and intricate performances in wrestling can be a source of joy and a means to unwind due to the lack of stakes, which can be particularly relaxing for viewers like him 1.

He expresses that wrestling relaxes him and assures a good night's sleep because it clears his mind from everyday stress. Rick Rubin describes the experience of wrestling as encompassing the energy of the sport, where everyone is collaborating to protect each other, and despite the appearance of aggression, there's no actual hostility among the participants 2.

Rick Rubin also equates watching wrestling to watching the real world, where truths are often unclear, and it's difficult to discern what is genuine from what is scripted. He suggests that maintaining skepticism, like when watching wrestling, can provide a more accurate understanding of the world 3.

Wrestling and Archetypes

Andrew and Rick discuss the energy and archetypes of wrestling, and how it allows for a feeling of playfulness and relaxation. They delve into the power of archetypes as a filter for humans, and the importance of maintaining a blurred understanding of reality.

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Therefore, for Rick Rubin, the benefits of watching professional wrestling include mental relaxation, escaping reality, and engaging with a performance that mirrors the complexities of life, while also nurturing a sense of curiosity about what is real.


What are some popular professional wrestling shows?


The does not specifically list popular professional wrestling shows, as the discussions revolve around the science and benefits of engaging with wrestling from a viewer's perspective, exploring the psychology and experiences rather than detailing specific wrestling programs. However, professional wrestling is a form of entertainment that spans numerous organizations and shows globally. Some of the well-known professional wrestling shows not mentioned specifically in the include:

  • WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) Monday Night RAW
  • WWE SmackDown
  • AEW (All Elite Wrestling) Dynamite
  • AEW Rampage
  • Impact Wrestling
  • NJPW (New Japan Pro Wrestling)
  • ROH (Ring of Honor)

Each of these shows offers a distinct flavor of professional wrestling, with their own rosters, storylines, and styles of production. They cater to different audiences, with some focusing on in-ring athleticism and others on dynamic storytelling.


Explain the psychological appeal of professional wrestling.


The psychological appeal of professional wrestling stems from several key aspects, as discussed on . For instance, there are elements of suspense and unpredictability that play into the excitement of watching wrestling. Despite being a scripted or predetermined form of entertainment, the blurred lines between what is real and what is part of the storyline can captivate audiences. Wrestling plays with narratives around rivalry, friendship, betrayal, and triumph, which are powerful themes in storytelling that have strong psychological hooks 1.

On another note, professional wrestling can be understood as a form of creativity and performance that breaks boundaries and defies norms. The spectacle of wrestling includes characters, larger-than-life personas, and physical feats that provide a distinct form of entertainment where viewers often suspend disbelief and immerse themselves in the drama of the show 2.

Such engagement with the energy of professional wrestling and the narratives it presents can stimulate an emotional and adrenaline-fueled response in spectators. This allows for a unique form of escapism where fans can cheer for their heroes and boo the villains, all within the context of a shared unreality that is openly embraced as part of the experience 1.

Understanding the appeal beyond the surface-level storytelling requires considering the interplay between reality and fantasy that is less straightforward in other sports and entertainments, offering a unique dynamic where expectations are centrally managed, directly impacting the viewer's engagement and enjoyment 1.

Reality in Wrestling

Rick and Andrew discuss the blurred lines between reality and fiction in wrestling, and how it differs from other forms of entertainment. They also touch on the concept of creativity and breaking boundaries in the entertainment industry.

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Rick Rubin: How to Access Your Creativity | Huberman Lab Podcast

Explain more about the storytelling aspect of wrestling.


The storytelling aspect of professional wrestling is multi-faceted and deeply engaging. Wrestling weaves together a tapestry of emotions and drama through storytelling that involves romance, betrayal, and victory, much like traditional forms of theater. It goes beyond just the physical athleticism of the wrestlers; it includes their ability to engage with the audience using their charisma and creating characters that the watchers want to root for or against. The performances are about eliciting reactions, be they cheers or boos, and captivating the audience with narratives that feel rich and complex 1.

Furthermore, wrestling storylines are said to be somewhat reflective of real life, where the line between what's real and what's fabricated is not always clear. In wrestling, sometimes actual events occurring in the lives of the wrestlers are woven into the fictional storylines being played out in the ring, adding another layer of depth and intrigue to the spectacle 2.

Additionally, professional wrestling is appreciated for its form of expressive violence that is choreographed like a ballet to ensure the safety of the performers. This careful coordination allows the audience to be absorbed in a hyperbolic performance without real stakes, providing both relaxation and excitement due to the unpredictable and theatrical nature of the events 2. Wrestling's ability to maintain this delicate balance of honest exaggeration in a world where truth can be elusive adds to its psychological appeal, offering a unique avenue for storytelling that resonates with the complexity of human experiences 3.

The Style of Wrestling

Andrew and Rick discuss the unique aspects of wrestling as a sport that combines physical ability, storytelling, and charisma. They compare it to other sports like football and skateboarding, highlighting the importance of style and performance in wrestling. The real-time iteration of wrestling adds to its uniqueness, with unexpected events always happening.

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Rick Rubin: How to Access Your Creativity | Huberman Lab Podcast