Can you recommend protocols to regulate cortisol


To regulate cortisol effectively, and his guests have provided several protocols and insights:

  1. Exposure to Bright Light & Exercise in the Morning: Seek bright light soon after waking to increase cortisol naturally. This, along with exercise, will help initiate the natural cortisol pattern, important for alertness and energy during the day 1.

  2. Managing Stress: Utilize down-regulation methods, such as specific breathing techniques, to manage spikes in cortisol throughout the day. This can aid in stress management and promote recovery 1.

  3. Sauna Protocol: A 12-minute exposure to 90°C heat followed by 6 minutes of cool down in cold water can significantly lower cortisol. This can be a powerful tool for managing long-term stress 2.

  4. Morning Sunlight: View sunlight in the morning to regulate cortisol rhythms. It’s beneficial for wakefulness during the day and aids in better sleep quality at night 3 4.

    Cortisol Regulation

    Andrew and Andy discuss the importance of cortisol regulation for optimal health and fitness. They emphasize the need for large spikes in cortisol for adaptation and growth, and caution against excessive suppression through supplementation. They also provide tips for strategic cortisol regulation through exercise and stress management techniques.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals | Huberman Lab
  5. Meal Timing: Consider meal timing and fasting as they affect cortisol and epinephrine levels. Fasting increases these hormones but should be managed carefully to avoid excessive stress 5.

  6. Resistance Training: A balance of resistance training, no longer than 60-75 minutes, avoids excessive cortisol rises which can hamper recovery and training goals 6.

  7. Optimizing Practices: Regular practices, such as sleeping at certain times, staying hydrated, and managing stress effectively, contribute to optimal cortisol and energy levels 5.

These protocols are not just about the physical stress of exercise but also include managing psychological stress carefully throughout the day, especially in the hours leading up to sleep. Remember, large spikes in cortisol are necessary for training adaptation, but what is crucial is the subsequent quick recovery and management of these hormone levels. Always consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new health regime 1.