Shoulder pain


There are several key insights regarding shoulder pain and general considerations of shoulder health discussed by on the :

  • External rotation exercises are crucial for shoulder health. Most workout programs lack exercises that target the external rotators of the shoulder, leading to imbalances and potential shoulder issues. 1

  • Counteracting the natural tendency of internal rotation is vital for maintaining the shoulder's long-term health. The shoulder naturally inclines towards internal rotation due to everyday activities and muscle dynamics, so training the rotator cuff muscles to externally rotate the shoulder can help stabilize and balance the joint. 2

  • It's recommended to avoid exercises that cause pain during their execution. If there's inflammation or pain, refraining from the aggravating movements and instead focusing on alternative exercises that train similar muscles without causing stress can prevent further injury. 3

    Shoulder Rotation

    Jeff discusses the importance of external rotation exercises for shoulder health and how they can improve overhead movement. He explains how the rotator cuff muscles are the only weapons we have for external rotation and why dedicating time to training them is essential.

    Huberman Lab

    Jeff Cavaliere: Optimize Your Exercise Program with Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #79

Additionally, understanding the science of pain, as explained by Dr. , can be beneficial when dealing with shoulder pain. Pain involves complex signal processing starting from nociceptors in the body, going through the spinal cord, and culminating in the brain where the pain experience is shaped. It's important to distinguish electrical signals from the subjective experience of pain, and individual experiences can vary significantly. 4

For immediate pain relief, suggests using the gate theory of pain: rubbing or providing pressure near the site of pain. This action activates A fibers in the skin, which inhibit the activity of C fibers, responsible for carrying pain information, thereby reducing the experience of pain. 5

If you're experiencing shoulder pain, consider the insights from the experts on the . Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment.




Alcohol's effects on the body and brain have been extensively discussed by . Here are some key points:

  • Alcohol can cross the blood-brain barrier due to its water- and fat-solubility, which leads to suppression of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, resulting in impulsive behavior, increased speech volume, and memory loss 1.

  • Even low to moderate alcohol consumption has been linked to brain degeneration. A study found that low to moderate drinkers experienced thinning in the neocortex, indicating loss of neurons 2.

  • Regularly drinking alcohol can increase estrogen levels and decrease testosterone due to the promotion of the aromatization process. This can lead to negative effects such as reduced libido and increased fat storage 3.

    Alcohol's Effects

    Andrew explains how alcohol affects the brain by suppressing the prefrontal cortex, leading to impulsive behavior and memory loss.

    Huberman Lab

    What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #86
  • Alcohol increases cancer risk, particularly breast cancer, by inducing mutations that cause the proliferation of cells leading to the growth of tumors 4.

  • The gut microbiome is disrupted by alcohol consumption, which kills healthy bacteria and affects mood and immune system regulation 5.

  • Concerning sleep, alcohol is mistaken for a sleep aid but actually leads to sedation, not naturalistic sleep, and can disrupt the quality of sleep 6.

Please note that these summaries are based on content from the and always consult a healthcare professional for personal health advice.