What are effective lifestyle changes to combat anxiety?


To combat anxiety, outlines several lifestyle changes that can provide foundational support for mental and physical health:

  • Ensure quality nutrition that suits your individual needs.
  • Obtain quality sleep on a regular basis to help regulate the autonomic nervous system. Good sleep helps balance the circuits related to fear and cognition, while poor sleep can lead to dysregulation resulting in symptoms like sympathetic activation (anxiety, alertness) or feeling 'tired and wired'.
  • Foster social connections, which are essential in providing both general support and chemical support for moving through challenging emotions and suppressing stress-related chemicals in the body.

These factors indirectly support trauma relief and help in overcoming fear and anxiety by establishing a baseline of general health and resilience 1.

Overcoming Fear

Andrew discusses the foundational elements of quality nutrition and sleep on a regular basis to support mental and physical health. Good sleep helps regulate the autonomic nervous system and resets the balance of circuits related to fear and cognition. Eating well and social connection are also important indirect supports for trauma relief and overcoming fear.

Huberman Lab

Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear | Huberman Lab Podcast #49

Provide nutritional advice for anxiety.


To manage anxiety through nutrition, discusses the potential benefits of various nutraceuticals and lifestyle factors:

  • Nutraceuticals like 5-HTP and tryptophan, which are in the serotonin pathway, can improve symptoms of anxiety. They function similarly to SSRIs in enhancing serotonergic transmission 1.
  • Inositol is highlighted due to its effects on reducing anxiety and improving sleep. Myo-inositol, in particular, might be beneficial when taken in doses around 900 milligrams 1.
  • General dietary approaches can influence anxiety. The approach to eating can trigger alertness associated with stress, while eating is supposed to bring about calming and satiation. Mindfulness around mealtime can help manage pre-meal anxiety and enhance the eating experience 2.
  • Sodium intake can affect stress response. Increasing sodium intake slightly may help stabilize blood pressure and improve the ability to handle stressors. However, this should not be done with processed foods, and individual needs and existing medical conditions should be considered 3.

    Nutraceuticals for OCD

    Andrew discusses the use of nutraceuticals, such as inositol, 5-HTP, and tryptophan, in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). He explains that these supplements can have similar effects to prescription drugs in improving symptoms, but caution should be taken as they can also have side effects. Andrew also shares his personal experience with a transient tick as a child.

    Huberman Lab

    The Science & Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Huberman Lab Podcast #78

emphasizes consulting healthcare providers before starting any supplements or significant dietary changes. He also mentions that quality sleep, nutrition, and social connections form the foundation of supporting overall mental and physical health, which are key in managing anxiety 4.


What lifestyle changes can reduce anxiety?


advises several lifestyle changes that can potentially reduce anxiety, which includes ensuring quality nutrition and regular, ample sleep to help regulate the autonomic nervous system 1. Good sleep in particular is crucial because it ensures that circuits related to fear, cognition, and the balance between alertness and calmness function more effectively. When sleep is disrupted, it can lead to issues like sympathetic activation or a state of being tired and wired.

Social connection is another important aspect of managing stress and anxiety. highlights the role of social interactions in reducing long-term stress and the significance of certain types of social connections in particular over others. While exercise, good sleep, and real-time tools to manage stress responses are helpful, solid social connections can support mental well-being and are key in mitigating stress 2.

In summary, focusing on quality sleep, healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and nurturing social relationships can provide comprehensive support for reducing anxiety. Additionally, emphasizes the importance of these foundational elements as 'indirect but essential' supports for overcoming fear and dealing with trauma 1.

Overcoming Fear

Andrew discusses the foundational elements of quality nutrition and sleep on a regular basis to support mental and physical health. Good sleep helps regulate the autonomic nervous system and resets the balance of circuits related to fear and cognition. Eating well and social connection are also important indirect supports for trauma relief and overcoming fear.

Huberman Lab

Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear | Huberman Lab Podcast #49