• How do you best treat a cold?

  • Sources:

    To treat a cold effectively, discusses various approaches in his podcast. One effective strategy is supplementing with zinc, which has strong evidence supporting its ability to combat colds. It's important to take zinc at doses of 100 milligrams or more, as lower doses are ineffective. However, high doses can cause gastric distress, so it should be taken with food, possibly divided into two doses per day 1.

    While vitamin C is often touted for its benefits, the evidence supporting high doses (6,000 to 8,000 milligrams per day) to shorten the duration or onset of a cold is not strong. Additionally, such high doses may cause gastric distress 2. There are better-supported methods like zinc supplementation that may provide more reliable benefits.

    It's also crucial to employ good hygiene practices, as the cold virus can survive on surfaces for up to 24 hours. Preventing infection by avoiding touching the face with contaminated hands and maintaining cleanliness can be effective measures 3.