What protocols are recommended for improving sleep?


Protocols for improving sleep discussed in the include both behavioral approaches and supplementation. Below are some of the protocols mentioned:

Behavioral Protocols

  • Use the Timeshifter app when dealing with jet lag. This app provides protocols, including timing for light exposure, meals, and sleep 1.
  • Keep the bedroom environment specific for sleep and sex only; this helps reduce problems with falling asleep or insomnia 1.
  • Practice myofunctional therapy with tongue exercises to help reduce snoring and improve REM sleep 1.
  • Explore Reverie app for sleep hypnosis; this tool can improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep 2.
  • Engage in NSDR (non-sleep deep rest) protocols such as yoga nidra or guided hypnosis which are effective for calming the nervous system and improving sleep 3.

    Sleep Tips

    Andy shares some tips for better sleep, including using an app called Timeshifter for jet lag, elevating the head of your bed for acid reflux, and only using your bed for sleeping and sex. He also suggests myofunctional therapy for snoring and tongue exercises for better REM sleep.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series
  • Follow daily routines like getting morning sunlight and dimming lights in the evening to help regulate your circadian rhythm 4.
  • Consider meditation as a daily practice to enhance attention, memory, mood, and possibly reduce overall sleep need, being careful not to practice too close to bedtime 5.


  • Use supplements like magnesium threonate, apigenin, and theanine which can improve the ability to fall and stay asleep. They have fairly wide safety margins but should be discussed with a physician before use 4.
  • Try taking these supplements in a systematic manner, such as taking one for a week and monitoring the effects on your sleep before adding or changing anything else 6.

Remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or major lifestyle adjustment.


how to lower the level of neurotoxin QUIN

It appears there are no specific discussions or protocols mentioned in the about lowering the levels of the neurotoxin quinolinic acid (QUIN). Please consult with a healthcare professional for advice regarding this matter.


Gut brain asix how cortisol and hiper insulinę my influence TPH

The does not seem to have covered the specific interaction between the gut-brain axis, cortisol, hyperinsulinemia, and their influence on tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH). These topics are quite specific, and it's possible they may not have been discussed in the detail required to answer your question within the available episodes. For questions on complex interactions like these, consulting with a medical professional or a researcher specializing in neuroendocrinology or gastroenterology might provide the information you are looking for.


Please tell me how to regulate the circadian rhythms


To regulate circadian rhythms, emphasizes the influence of light exposure. Several key practices are recommended:

  1. Morning Light: View sunlight or bright artificial light within an hour of waking up, even if it's cloudy, to set your biological clock, enhance alertness, and set a 16-hour timer for melatonin release 1 2 3.

    Light and Circadian Rhythms

    Andrew explains the importance of light in regulating the body's circadian rhythms and how it is the main way to set the central clock. He also mentions the discovery of melanopsin cells by David, which are responsible for setting our clocks. Additionally, Andrew talks about how exercise and feeding can also affect the clock output through non-photic influences.

    Huberman Lab

    Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake | Huberman Lab Podcast #2
  2. Afternoon or Evening Light: Spend 10-30 minutes outdoors in natural light without sunglasses in the afternoon or early evening to optimize melatonin release for sleep 4.

  3. Food Intake and Exercise: Align the timing of meals and physical activity with your natural circadian rhythms to further support the synchronization of your body's internal clock 1.

  4. Reduce Evening Light Exposure: Diminish exposure to light, especially blue light from screens, close to bedtime, as this can shift your circadian rhythm and impact your sleep quality 3.

Implementing these behaviors can help align the internal circadian clocks throughout the body, improving sleep, mood, alertness, and overall health.