how can teachers do a better job?


Teachers can improve their teaching by implementing specific strategies, as suggested by in the .

  1. Feedback Focused on Behavior: Provide feedback centered around actions (verbs) rather than just using labels. Highlighting the effort put into activities, problem-solving approaches, and persistence can be more beneficial than simply praising inherent talent or intelligence. This encourages a growth mindset and deters negative impacts on performance when future challenges arise 1.

  2. Enhancing Visual and Cognitive Focus: Utilize visual-based tools to teach students how to focus better. Our cognitive focus follows our visual focus, so practices that involve physically focusing on a point can train the brain to concentrate longer and refocus more effectively. This can incorporate activities where students maintain visual attention on a specific spot for a set duration, which engages neural circuits involved in deliberate attention, such as the prefrontal cortex 2.

Incorporating these practices into teaching can help students become more passionate learners and can also enhance their performance and learning abilities through a more focused and growth-oriented approach.

The Power of Verbs

Discover the importance of using verbs instead of labels when giving feedback or evaluating performance. Learn how this simple shift in language can enhance motivation and improve future outcomes.

Huberman Lab

How to Enhance Performance & Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset | Huberman Lab Podcast

what should teachers know about the brain in order to be better teachers?

It appears there are no specific clips directly addressing what teachers should know about the brain to improve their teaching in the data from the . However, based on previously provided insights from , one can infer that understanding the following aspects of brain function could be beneficial for teachers:

  1. Neuroplasticity: Knowing how the brain can form new connections and adjust to new learning experiences.
  2. Attention and Focus: Familiarizing with how attention works in the brain can help in designing lessons that engage and maintain students' attention.
  3. Memory and Learning: Exploring different types of memory and learning processes to tailor teaching methods for better retention.
  4. Emotional Regulation: Understanding brain mechanisms behind emotions can aid in creating a supportive learning environment.
  5. Stress and Anxiety: Recognizing how stress affects the brain can help teachers in addressing student anxiety and creating stress-free learning spaces.

These areas are often covered in educational psychology and are believed to help form more effective teaching strategies.