Water intake


provides guidelines for water intake, suggesting that on average, people should consume 8oz of fluid every hour for the first 10 hours of their day. This amounts to a total of approximately 2 liters of water plus a little bit more over that period 1. For those engaging in exercise, additional fluids are needed to maximize the benefits of the exercise and avoid dehydration. The recommends consuming your body weight in pounds divided by 30 in ounces every 15 to 20 minutes while exercising.

If you sweat a lot or are in a hot environment such as a sauna, you may want to increase the suggested values from the Galpin equation by 50% to 100%. In the case of feeling dehydrated or 'parched,' it is advisable to consume more, with a rough guideline of 16oz or about 500ml per hour while feeling such thirst 2. However, you should also consider incorporating electrolytes in your fluid intake, especially if you are sweating heavily, exercising, or consuming caffeine 2.

For general daily hydration, suggests an easier guideline of consuming half your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you weigh 200 pounds, this would mean aiming for 100oz of water each day. Post-exercise, it's recommended to replace 125% to 150% of the fluid lost during the workout 3.

Hydration Guidelines

Andrew provides a simple formulation for hydration guidelines, suggesting that on average, people should consume 8oz of fluid every hour for the first 10 hours of their day, which translates to an average of 80oz of fluid for the first 10 hours of the day, or approximately two liters of water plus a little bit more.

Huberman Lab

How to Optimize Your Water Quality & Intake for Health | Huberman Lab Podcast

Remember, these are guidelines, and individual needs may vary depending on various factors like activity levels, environment, and personal health. Always listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.