Full fitness protocol


Foundational Fitness Protocol by Andrew Huberman

Andrew Huberman, host of the , has detailed a comprehensive fitness protocol aimed at optimizing physical health. This protocol includes various aspects of fitness such as endurance, strength, flexibility, hypertrophy, and aesthetics. Here’s a detailed overview:

General Structure

  • 3 Resistance Training Sessions per week
  • 3 Cardiovascular Training Sessions per week
  • 1 Complete Rest Day per week
  • Each workout is designed to focus on either endurance, strength, hypertrophy, or specific muscle groups.

Week Breakdown

  • Day 1 (Monday): Legs - Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves, Tibialis
  • Day 2: Upper Body - Strength Training
  • Day 3: Cardiovascular Training - 35-minrun or alternative exercises like rowing or biking.
  • Day 4: Rest
  • Day 5: Repeat a similar split or adapt based on specific goals like hypertrophy or endurance.
  • Day 6: Mixed focus or recovery exercises.
  • Day 7 (Sunday): Long Endurance Training - 60-75 minutes jog or a long hike. This could be social or solo, versatile based on location and company.

Exercises and Adaptations

  1. Cardiovascular Sessions: Aim for 35-minute runs at a hard but not all-out pace, integrating multiple fuel systems for the muscles and engaging different heart and vascular elements. Surface flexibility and alternatives like stairs, burpees, and jumping jacks can substitute running if needed 1.

  2. Resistance Training: Sessions are divided into muscle groups and types of workouts (strength, hypertrophy). The protocol supports flexibility in exercise choices and rep schemes, ensuring all major muscle groups and fitness aspects are covered 2.

  3. Endurance Training: Taps into aerobic, anaerobic, and mixed endurance. Long-duration workouts (30 minutes or more) are especially emphasized for cardiovascular health and overall endurance 3 4.

    Optimal Fitness Protocol

    Andrew discusses the importance of a foundational fitness protocol that improves multiple aspects of endurance and leaves you in a state where you can perform various physical activities. He explains how a 35-minute cardiovascular session can tap into multiple fuel systems for the muscle and shares alternative exercises for those who don't have access to equipment.
    Huberman Lab
    Fitness Toolkit: Protocol & Tools to Optimize Physical Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #94

Tools and Tips

  • The use of a weight vest, throwing a child on shoulders, or carrying a backpack during hikes can enhance workout intensity.
  • The foundational fitness protocol is available as a PDF download on the Huberman Lab website, detailing specific workouts, sets, and repetitions for each session, without any requirements for signup 5.
  • Dr. Andy Galpin’s Insights: Integrating data-backed tools for cardiovascular fitness, strength, hypertrophy, and recovery. This includes nutrition and supplementation strategies tailored for a year-long training program 6.

This well-rounded approach ensures that you engage different muscle groups and fuel systems effectively, enhancing physical conditioning and overall health 2 7.


Any resources to complement the protocol?

While the search didn't yield specific additional clips, there are several key resources and tips from the that can complement your adherence to the foundational fitness protocol provided by :

Complementary Resources

  • Nutrition and Supplementation: Following a balanced diet rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates is vital. Huberman often mentions the importance of supplements like magnesium, omega-3s, and other essential vitamins which support recovery and muscle function.

  • Hydration: Ensuring adequate hydration is critical, especially during and post workouts. Electrolytes can be essential for maintaining muscle function and overall hydration status.

  • Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for muscle repair and overall recovery. Huberman discusses various strategies to improve sleep, including maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a cool and dark sleep environment, and potentially using supplements like magnesium threonate or theanine to enhance sleep quality.

  • Recovery Tools: Foam rollers, massage guns, and stretching routines can help with muscle recovery. Cold plunges and sauna use are also recommended for enhancing recovery and overall stress management.

  • Mental Health and Focus: Stress management techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and mindfulness can be beneficial. Andrew Huberman often emphasizes the role of mental health in overall fitness and performance.

  • Tracking Progress: Using fitness tracking tools, whether apps, wearable devices, or journals, can help monitor progress and ensure consistency in workouts and nutrition.

These resources, when integrated with the foundational fitness protocol, can holistically improve your fitness journey enhancing both physical and mental wellness.


What nutrition tips does Huberman recommend?


offers several nutrition tips to support both physical and mental health. Here are some key recommendations:

General Nutrition

  • Whole Foods: Emphasize minimally processed or unprocessed foods to ensure a high intake of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and fiber. These nutrients are essential for cognitive functioning, memory, learning, and focus 1.

  • Protein Intake: Prioritize dietary protein, particularly in the first meal of the day, to set up metabolic health and support healthy muscle mass. A balanced approach to carbohydrates is also important 2.

Specific Nutritional Advice

  • Salt Intake: Recommends 8 to 12 grams of salt per day (3.2 to 4.8 grams of sodium), higher than current standard recommendations, but emphasizes the importance of maintaining a proper sodium-to-potassium ratio and adequate magnesium intake 3.

    Optimal Nutrition

    Discover how quality nutrition impacts our mental health, cognitive functioning, and overall performance. Learn about the importance of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and fiber, and how they support our cellular functions. Find out how ag one can provide all your foundational nutritional needs for optimal mental and physical health.
    Huberman Lab
    A Science-Supported Journaling Protocol to Improve Mental & Physical Health


  • AG1: A daily drink that provides foundational nutritional needs, including vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and fiber. It is highlighted as a convenient way to ensure an adequate intake of essential nutrients 1 4.

  • Blood Analysis: Regular blood work is advised to personalize nutrition and supplementation plans. Using services like Insidetracker can help interpret blood test results and provide actionable dietary guidelines 5.

Adopting these strategies can help ensure overall health and optimize both physical and mental performance.


Any tips for fitness beginners?

While specific clips on fitness tips for beginners were not retrieved, has provided general advice applicable to those new to fitness. Here are some foundational tips:

Key Tips for Fitness Beginners

  1. Start Slowly: Initiate your fitness journey with manageable routines to avoid injury and ensure sustainability. Gradually increase intensity and duration over time.

  2. Consistency Over Intensity: Focus on building a consistent exercise habit rather than pushing for intense workouts too early.

  3. Protein Intake: Ensure adequate protein consumption, especially in the first meal of the day, to support muscle repair and overall metabolic health 1.

  4. Hydration: Maintain proper hydration before, during, and after workouts. This supports muscle function and overall performance.

  5. Mix Workouts: Incorporate a variety of workout types (cardio, strength training, flexibility exercises) to keep things interesting and well-rounded.

  6. Rest and Recovery: Allow time for rest and recovery. Adequate sleep and rest days are crucial for muscle repair and growth.

These points drawn from 's general fitness principles may help beginners establish a solid and sustainable fitness routine.

Muscle Nutrition Insights

Andrew and Gabrielle discuss the importance of prioritizing dietary protein over carbohydrates for healthy skeletal muscle. Gabrielle emphasizes the significance of the first meal of the day in setting up metabolic health. They delve into the impact of carbohydrate intake on overall health and muscle composition.
Huberman Lab
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: How to Exercise & Eat for Optimal Health & Longevity

What are common fitness mistakes to avoid?


and his guests on the have discussed several common fitness mistakes to avoid:

  1. Defaulting to Moderate Intensity Cardio: Many people, especially women, default to moderate-intensity workouts, thinking it will improve body composition. This can increase cortisol without sufficient hormonal benefits, potentially hindering progress. Emphasize true high-intensity workouts over moderate ones 1.

  2. Ignoring Breathing Strategies: Proper breathing during and between workouts is crucial. Not having a breathing strategy can impede recovery and performance. Focusing on calm, intentional breathing helps manage adrenaline levels and improve recovery 2.

  3. Deviating from Training Programs: Consistency is key. Frequently deviating from your training plan can result in suboptimal outcomes and overtraining. Stick to the plan unless a well-considered adjustment is necessary 3.

    Cardio for Women

    Stacy emphasizes the importance of true high-intensity cardio for women over 40, debunking myths about moderate intensity workouts. Andrew discusses the benefits of high-intensity interval training and the hormonal responses it triggers to optimize body composition and longevity.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity
  4. Lifting Light to Avoid Bulk: Avoid the mistake of lifting lighter weights with more reps to avoid bulk. This can still land you in the hypertrophy zone. Instead, train very heavy with low reps to improve strength without significant muscle growth 4.

  5. Ignoring Sleep and Recovery: Poor sleep and insufficient recovery can lead to subpar performance and increased injury risk. Monitor your resting pulse rate and adjust your workout intensity based on how well-rested and healthy you feel 5.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can enhance your fitness journey and achieve better results more safely.

What types of workouts are best for beginners?


For beginners, the offers several insights on effective workouts:

  1. Bodyweight Exercises and Resistance Training:

    • Bodyweight Exercises: Exercises like lunges, squats, and push-ups are beneficial and can be done at home with minimal risk. Using a backpack with cans for added resistance can help build strength gradually 1.
    • Machines and Resistance Training: Machines, especially plate-loaded ones, can help ensure correct movement arcs, reducing the risk of injury. Starting with machines can provide a safe introduction to resistance training 1.
  2. Simplied Exercise Choices:

    • Beginners should focus on exercises that are technically simpler and easier to perform safely. For example, performing goblet squats instead of barbell back squats can minimize injury risk while still providing a good workout. Using machines or simpler movements like split squats is often recommended for those without a coach or professional experience 2.
  3. Recovery and Breathing:

    • Post-workout recovery is crucial. Incorporating three to five minutes of down-regulation breathing (emphasizing exhales) after workouts can significantly enhance recovery and adaptation. This practice helps shift the body into a calming, restorative mode 3.

      Building Fitness Confidence

      Stacy shares practical tips for building fitness confidence at home, from bodyweight exercises to utilizing technology for guidance. Andrew emphasizes the benefits of proper movement arcs in resistance training to prevent injury and maximize results.
      Huberman Lab
      Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity

These types of workouts can help build foundational strength and fitness in a safe and structured manner, making them ideal for beginners.


What are some beginner bodyweight exercises?


and discuss various beginner bodyweight exercises, specifically focusing on a squat progression in the .

Squat Progression Steps:

  1. Bodyweight Squat: Start with just your body weight. Ensure you can perform the squat correctly.
  2. Adding Light Weight: Once you master the bodyweight squat, add a light weight like a kettlebell or dumbbells. Lower yourself all the way down while maintaining control.
  3. Isometric Hold: Hold the bottom squat position isometrically (without moving). This helps build stability and strength.
  4. Concentric Movement: Add the upward movement from the squat, ensuring control throughout the motion.
  5. Speed: Once you have control, you can start adding speed to the movement, if desired.
  6. Fatigue: Finally, introduce repetitions to fatigue, ensuring you maintain proper form and control to minimize injury risk.

This progression can be tailored to your fitness level, ranging from completing it in one session to taking it over two years, depending on comfort and previous injury history 1.

Safe Squatting Progression

A structured approach to squatting emphasizes the importance of mastering bodyweight movements before adding load. Gradual progression, including isometric holds and controlled movements, is crucial to prevent injuries and build confidence. Mental barriers can hinder performance, but with patience and proper technique, individuals can overcome them and achieve deeper squats safely.
Huberman Lab
Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity | Huberman Lab Guest Series

What are other beginner bodyweight exercises?


In addition to the squat progression discussed by and , several other beginner bodyweight exercises are excellent for building strength and improving fitness. While the retrieved data didn't specifically list additional exercises, common beginner bodyweight exercises typically recommended include:

  1. Push-ups: Great for upper body strength, especially the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  2. Lunges: Effective for strengthening the legs and improving balance.
  3. Planks: Excellent for core stability and strength.
  4. Glute Bridges: Target the glutes and lower back.
  5. Pull-ups or Inverted Rows: For upper body pulling strength.

These exercises, alongside the squat progression, provide a well-rounded foundation for beginners focusing on bodyweight training. Always ensure proper form and controlled movements to minimize injury risk.