How does Marijuana disrupt your sleep?


Marijuana, particularly its THC component, disrupts the architecture of sleep and blocks REM sleep. People using THC may not remember their dreams, and when they stop using it, they often experience intense, vivid dreams due to a REM sleep rebound mechanism. Alcohol and THC both help some people fall asleep and stay asleep, but the quality of that sleep is suboptimal compared to natural sleep, and they can lead to withdrawal dependency, rebound insomnia, and less restorative sleep 1 2 3.

Marijuana and Sleep

Matt explains that THC in marijuana can speed up the onset of non-consciousness, but it disrupts the architecture of sleep and blocks REM sleep. People using THC may not remember their dreams, but when they stop using it, they experience a rebound mechanism, leading to intense dreams.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Matthew Walker: The Science & Practice of Perfecting Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Podcast #31

THC and CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the brain and body with much greater potency than endogenous cannabinoids. This can lead to dependence and disrupted brain states when not ingested 4. High concentrations of THC present in various marijuana products can be problematic and impair the function of mitochondria in the brain, ultimately causing premature aging and memory impairment 5.

Moreover, regardless of the strain, THC generally suppresses neural circuits within the areas of the brain that are involved in action planning and withholding action, which explains why marijuana use often leads to reduced physical mobility 6.