How does cyclic sigh breathing work?
Cyclic sigh breathing, a technique discussed by , involves deliberate breathing patterns to help restore balance and reduce stress. Here’s how it works:
Breathing Pattern: It starts with a deep inhale through the nose, immediately followed by a second, shorter inhale. This is then followed by a prolonged exhale through the mouth until the lungs are completely empty 1.
Frequency and Duration: To maximize benefits, cyclic sighing is performed for five minutes each day. This practice not only reduces stress during the exercise but also translates into lower stress levels throughout the day 1.
Physiological Effects: The cyclic sigh helps balance the autonomic nervous system by coordinating the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The initial deep breaths inflate collapsed alveoli in the lungs, improving gas exchange and reducing carbon dioxide buildup, which is key to alleviating stress rapidly 2.
Immediate Stress Reduction: Even a single instance of the cyclic sigh can introduce calm by switching from a heightened state of arousal to a more relaxed state. It's especially effective for real-time stress, such as before public speaking or during a stressful situation 3.
Incorporating this breathing technique into your routine can foster significant improvements in mood, anxiety levels, and sleep quality 4.