What protocols are recommended for improving sleep?


and his guests on the have shared various protocols and tools to improve sleep:

  1. Behavioral Protocols: Behavioral techniques include avoiding caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime, cooling down the room before sleep, and using one's bed primarily for sleep and sexual activity to create an association that improves sleep quality 1.
  2. Light Exposure: Morning light exposure is important for setting the body's circadian rhythms. Avoiding bright lights in the evening can also help improve sleep 2.
  3. Apps and Technology: The Timeshifter app is recommended for individuals dealing with consistent travel and jet lag. Hypnosis through the Reverie app is suggested for improving the ability to fall and stay asleep, which might be useful once a week 3.

    Sleep Tips

    Andy shares some tips for better sleep, including using an app called Timeshifter for jet lag, elevating the head of your bed for acid reflux, and only using your bed for sleeping and sex. He also suggests myofunctional therapy for snoring and tongue exercises for better REM sleep.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series
  4. Myofunctional Therapy: Tongue exercises as part of myofunctional therapy can be effective for people who have problems with REM sleep or snoring 1.
  5. NSDR Protocols: Non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) protocols, such as yoga nidra and clinically-tested hypnosis, can be used at various times to teach the nervous system how to calm down and aid with sleep 2.
  6. Supplements: Magnesium threonate, apigenin, and theanine are supplements that can greatly improve the ability to fall and stay asleep. However, they should be used prudently and ideally after consulting with a physician 4.
  7. Meditation: Meditation can improve attention, memory, mood, and emotion regulation. It's recommended not to meditate too close to bedtime to avoid potential difficulty sleeping 5.
  8. Sleep Toolkit: A sleep toolkit is available with a distilled list of practices for optimal sleep. It emphasizes the importance of consistent sleep routines and behaviors 6.

It is always best to employ behavioral tools before considering nutritional and supplementation aids. Furthermore, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new protocols, especially when it comes to the use of supplements 7.