treating a cold


has shared several insights related to boosting immunity and treating colds. The most recent data suggests that while echinacea is often thought to be beneficial, it might not be very effective for preventing or treating colds, and high doses could potentially impair innate immune function. As such, it's advisable to take it sparingly, if at all. Zinc supplementation, on the other hand, does have good scientific backing, with 100 milligrams or more being recommended to combat colds. Ingesting zinc with food can prevent gastric distress 1.

A lesser-known compound that can support the immune system is N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor to glutathione, which is beneficial for reducing oxidative stress during infections. As well as being an antioxidant, NAC has mucolytic properties that can help alleviate respiratory symptoms like congestion 2.

Andrew also explores various methods to enhance recovery from colds and flu, including some behavioral tools. High doses of vitamin C, up to 6-8 grams per day, are mentioned as having some scientific support for shortening the duration of colds, although the evidence for prevention is not robust 3.

Boosting Immunity: Echinacea and Zinc

Discover the truth about echinacea's impact on immune system function and the science-backed benefits of zinc supplementation in combating colds and flus. Andrew Huberman shares dosage recommendations and essential tips for maximizing the effectiveness of these compounds.

Huberman Lab

How to Prevent & Treat Colds & Flu

For deeper understanding of the immune system and methods to prevent and recover from colds and flus, you can explore the episode "How to Prevent & Treat Colds & Flu" .