How to sleep better


To improve your sleep, consider incorporating several practices into your routine. Here are a few key tips from the Huberman Lab:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Sleep: Engage in better sleep hygiene through CBT. This includes a regular bedtime and wake-up time, avoiding screens a few hours before bed due to their blue light content, and a routine that encourages relaxation before sleep 1.

  2. Temperature Control: Cool your sleeping environment to assist the natural decrease in body temperature necessary for sleep. Use a warm bath as part of a nighttime routine, and ensure the sleeping area remains cool throughout the night 2.

  3. Yoga Nidra and Meditation: Employ methods like yoga nidra, a form of guided meditation, to enter a state of deep relaxation or incorporate more standard meditation practices to reduce sympathetic nervous system activity before bed 3.

    Better Sleep

    Andrew and Craig discuss the importance of cognitive behavioral therapy for better sleep hygiene, avoiding screens before bedtime, and regulating body temperature through warm baths and cooler environments.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Craig Heller: Using Temperature for Performance, Brain & Body Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #40
  4. Wind Down Routine: Establish a pre-sleep routine that includes relaxing activities. It's beneficial to slow down before bedtime, much like landing a plane smoothly requires a gradual descent 4.

  5. Sleep Environment: Keep your pets out of the bedroom and wash your sheets at least once a week to minimize airborne allergens that could disrupt sleep. Consider a full environmental scan of your bedroom to identify and mitigate factors that may affect sleep quality 5.

  6. Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR): During the day, practice NSDR or yoga nidra to enhance your skill to relax. This practice can also assist with falling back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night 6.

Remember, these suggestions are meant to enhance sleep quality and are not a replacement for medical advice. If sleep difficulties persist, consulting a healthcare provider is recommended.


Why am I always so frustrated

Chronic frustration can stem from various sources, but without direct data from the Huberman Lab addressing the general reasons for consistent feelings of frustration, it's not possible for me to provide Huberman Lab-specific insights.

However, it’s important to recognize that frustration often arises from unmet expectations, the feeling of a lack of control over a situation, persistent obstacles blocking goals or repeated failures. Additionally, constant stress, insufficient rest, and challenges in personal or professional life can also fuel feelings of frustration.

To manage and cope with these feelings, general recommendations usually include identifying the root causes of frustration, practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation or exercise, ensuring adequate rest and sleep, communicating effectively about one’s needs and boundaries, and seeking professional help if necessary.

For personalized insights and recommendations, consider exploring more of the episodes or directly seek the guidance of mental health professionals who can provide support tailored to your specific situation.


Healthiest alcohol


has shared information regarding the health effects of alcohol, suggesting that while no alcohol might be the healthiest option, moderation and awareness of the impact on health are key factors if one chooses to drink. He points out that consuming more than two drinks per week can lead to negative health effects in both males and females, and alcohol, in essence, is a toxin for the cells, contributing to its effects on the body and brain. It's advised to be conscious of other wellness aspects, such as nutrition, sunlight, exercise, and sleep, when drinking more than the mentioned limit 1.

Regarding the types of alcohol that might cause fewer negative effects, such as hangovers, explains the role of congeners in drinks, substances like nitrites that give alcohol its distinctive flavor and also lead to the inebriating effects. Based on studies, drinks like beer, vodka, and gin are less likely to cause hangovers compared to whiskey, rum, and red wine, with brandy at the top of the list for inducing hangovers. It's also noted that hangovers are more related to these congeners than sugar content in alcoholic beverages 2.

In terms of long-term brain health, even light to moderate alcohol consumption has been linked to reductions in brain thickness and volume, including both gray matter and white matter tracts. Thus, abstaining from alcohol or minimizing its intake is recommended to promote overall health 3.

Alcohol's Effects

Andrew Huberman discusses the negative health effects of alcohol, emphasizing that it is essentially a toxin for our cells. He encourages listeners to pay attention to other aspects of their well-being if they choose to drink more than two drinks per week. Tim Ferriss adds a thought-provoking quote about alcohol borrowing happiness from tomorrow.

Tim Ferriss Show

Dr. Andrew Huberman — The Foundations of Physical and Mental Performance

If you're drinking, considering the type and amount of alcohol consumed and prioritizing other health behaviors can help mitigate some of the negative effects. Always be mindful of your choices and consult health professionals as needed.


Best supplement for cognitive function


The has discussed various supplements that can support cognitive function. According to , Alpha GPC is a supplement with effects supported by peer-reviewed studies, which can increase focus without significantly affecting arousal, making it useful for cognitive support 1. However, he also emphasizes that quality sleep is more powerful than any nootropic for cognitive support.

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA, are also mentioned by as a beneficial supplement for cognitive ability and focus, as well as general brain and body health 2. Another compound discussed is creatine, which has been shown to enhance frontal cortical circuits involved in mood regulation and motivation and can be especially significant for vegetarians or those not consuming other sources rich in creatine 3.

Cognitive Enhancement Insights

Andrew Huberman discusses the power of quality sleep as the most effective cognitive support, while also mentioning the benefits of alpha GPC as a useful supplement. He emphasizes the importance of hydration and shares Tim Ferriss' personal favorite vehicle for caffeine, Yerbomate.

Tim Ferriss Show

Dr. Andrew Huberman — A Neurobiologist on Sleep, Performance, and Anxiety | The Tim Ferriss Show

Also, caffeine is recognized for its ability to increase alertness and focus, provided it is consumed in appropriate dosages and not too late in the day to avoid disrupting sleep 4.

It's important to consider these suggestions in the context of overall health, including sufficient sleep, hydration, and nutrition. Supplements can occasionally offer cognitive support, but they should be used responsibly and as part of a broader health and wellness strategy. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.