What are other ways to boost focus?
To boost focus, suggests several methods beyond just supplements:
Mindfulness Meditation: Practicing meditation for about 13 minutes daily can significantly improve focus and mental health. This meditation involves closing your eyes and directing your attention to a point just above the eyes on your forehead, which can help you refocus your attention after it drifts 1 2.
Regular Focused Study Sessions: Setting aside specific times each day for focused study or work without distractions can enhance the brain's ability to concentrate at those times. Regular routine helps train the brain, improving concentration and focus abilities 3 4.
Deliberate Defocus: After periods of intense focus, it’s vital to take time to "deliberately defocus." Engage in activities that don’t require concentration, like walking without a phone, to recharge your cognitive resources. This period of decompression is essential for maintaining high focus levels later 5.
Hydration and Sleep: Staying well-hydrated and maintaining good sleep hygiene are foundational for optimal focus and attention 4.
By incorporating these behavioral tools and maintaining a balanced lifestyle without constant distractions, you can effectively boost your focus and cognitive performance in various activities.