What are your thoughts on rapamycin?


has discussed rapamycin, indicating it is used mainly as an anticancer drug but also considering its ongoing research regarding its potential to extend lifespan. Researchers like Dr. Matt Kaeberlein are investigating rapamycin for this purpose, with studies including a dog longevity project. Huberman highlights the work of these researchers and points to conversations like the one Dr. Peter Attia had with experts in mTOR, a pathway targeted by rapamycin, for more in-depth information 1.

It is also mentioned that while rapamycin's ability to extend lifespan is of interest, the data does not currently provide sufficient justification for to take it himself. He cites the drug's side effect profile and the need for more conclusive research before considering it for personal use to increase lifespan 1.

For expert discussions on rapamycin's biological pathways and impacts on lifespan, as well as its potential to modulate immunity as people age, please refer to conversations featuring and 2.

It is important to note that, in their analysis, they mark the distinctions between evidence from animal models and the need for human trials, as well as drawing parallels with other longevity agents and current research 3 2.

Exploring Rapamycin

Discover the potential of rapamycin in extending lifespan as Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses its biological pathways and ongoing scientific research. Learn about the experts in the field and their insights on this intriguing drug.

Huberman Lab

AMA #12: Thoughts on Longevity Supplements (Resveratrol, NR, NMN, Etc.) & How to Improve Memory

What are the side effects of rapamycin?


has expressed that while there is considerable scientific interest in rapamycin for its potential to extend lifespan, he does not personally take it due to the current lack of compelling data to justify its use for increasing lifespan and its side effect profile. Although rapamycin can be taken safely under certain conditions, its side effects are substantive enough that opts not to use it for the purpose of increasing lifespan 1.

For detailed discussions on the effects of rapamycin, including immune system modulation and longevity, the conversations between and provide in-depth insights into the underlying mechanisms and ongoing research 2. While specific side effects are not outlined in the cited clips, it is important to recognize rapamycin as a drug that needs careful consideration due to its impact and potential side effects. For any medical treatment, including the use of drugs like rapamycin, it is recommended to consult with healthcare providers.

Exploring Rapamycin

Discover the potential of rapamycin in extending lifespan as Dr. Andrew Huberman discusses its biological pathways and ongoing scientific research. Learn about the experts in the field and their insights on this intriguing drug.

Huberman Lab

AMA #12: Thoughts on Longevity Supplements (Resveratrol, NR, NMN, Etc.) & How to Improve Memory

Thoughts on Creatine for children.


The has not directly discussed the use of creatine specifically for children in terms of side effects or recommendations. Creatine supplementation is commonly used for its benefits on physical and cognitive performance as well as potential to improve mood and treat depression, as mentioned by in a discussion about the phosphocreatine system in the brain 1.

When considering creatine for individuals under 18, general considerations include the need for cautious use and perhaps consultation with a medical professional, particularly in the context of any pre-existing kidney issues, as creatine has been debated for its impact on kidney function with long-term, high-dose usage 1.

In terms of physical training and supplementation, , a certified strength specialist who was a guest on the podcast, discussed having a longer leash for his own children to explore the gym and learn through experience, but the conversation does not explicitly address creatine supplementation for his children 2.

For adults and the general population, discussed creatine dosages and noted that they are often based on body weight, but no specific recommendations for children were made 3. In a related discussion, the myth that creatine can cause hair loss was mentioned and was not considered a reason to avoid taking creatine, but again, this was within the context of adult usage 4.

Creatine for Mood

Andrew discusses the surprising benefits of creatine for mood disorders and depression. Studies have shown that low dose creatine supplementation can increase the activity of the phosphocreatine system in the forebrain, resulting in improvements in mood. This episode explores the potential of creatine as a treatment for depression.

Huberman Lab

Understanding & Conquering Depression | Huberman Lab Podcast #34

As creatine supplementation for children may have different implications and considerations than for adults, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness and safe use for minors.


What are the safety considerations when giving creatine to children?


The Huberman Lab Podcast has not directly addressed the safety considerations of giving creatine to children. However, it's important to be aware of potential safety concerns that might apply to children, based on general discussions about creatine safety:

  • Healthy Kidneys and Liver: The myth that creatine supplementation might harm healthy kidneys or liver has been debunked on the podcast. In adults, there is no evidence suggesting that creatine harms a healthy kidney or liver 1.
  • Hair Loss: There was a concern about creatine increasing Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and potentially causing hair loss based on one study, but further discussion suggested that creatine would not elevate androgens to abnormal levels. The relationship between creatine and hair loss remains unconvincing for adults and wasn't directly related to children 2.

While these points do address general safety considerations for creatine use, they reflect discussions oriented towards adults. No specific episodes or clips were found where direct safety considerations of giving creatine to children were mentioned. As safety considerations could be different for children than adults, it is highly recommended to consult with a pediatrician or qualified healthcare provider before considering creatine supplements for a child. This is particularly important due to children's ongoing development and potential long-term implications.

Creatine Benefits

Layne discusses the benefits of creatine, including its ability to improve exercise performance, increase lean mass, and aid in recovery. While it may also lead to a decrease in body fat percentage, it is not a fat burner. Additionally, recent studies have shown cognitive benefits to taking creatine. The only potential downside is a possible link to hair loss, but Layne is not convinced.

Huberman Lab

Dr Layne Norton: The Science of Eating for Health, Fat Loss & Lean Muscle | Huberman Lab Podcast #97

Find research on creatine use in children


The has not provided specific research on the use of creatine in children. While creatine has been discussed concerning various topics such as muscular performance, cognitive benefits, and mental health, the discussions did not cover research focused on creatine supplementation for children.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that creatine use in adults for various applications has been well-studied and documented on the podcast, but without direct reference to safety considerations or research related to children. As individual needs and responses can greatly vary, especially in growing children, consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial before initiating any supplementation regimen for children.