10,000 lux
Light exposure, especially around 10,000 lux, plays an important role in regulating mood and circadian rhythms. explains that sunlight exposure in the morning, which can be well over 100,000 lux on a clear day, is crucial for setting the circadian clock, enhancing mood, and combating issues like seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 1 2.
For those unable to access bright sunlight, using artificial light sources such as 10,000 lux SAD lamps can be beneficial. These lamps are specifically designed to simulate the brightness of sunlight and are effective in treating symptoms of SAD by providing sufficient light to influence serotonin and dopamine levels, which affect mood 3 4.
However, natural sunlight provides a more comprehensive light spectrum, including the blue-yellow contrasts present at low solar angles, which artificial lights generally cannot replicate fully. This makes direct exposure to sunlight more effective for circadian health and mood stabilization 5 2.