• The optimal morning routine

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    The optimal morning routine, according to and based on a combination of scientific research and personal practice, includes several key components that aim to improve mood, cognitive performance, and overall well-being:

    1. Wake up early: Attempt to wake up 2-3 hours before your habitual wake-up time and maximize outdoor light exposure in the mornings, before noon, to set in motion beneficial processes for mental and physical health 1.

    2. Avoid caffeine upon waking: Upon waking, hydrate with water and electrolytes, but refrain from consuming caffeine right away. Instead, get bright light in your eyes, ideally from sunlight, and delay caffeine intake for 90-120 minutes after waking. This helps increase the peak of the cortisol pulse and enhances alertness and mood 2.

    3. Exercise and temperature control: Engage in exercise early in the morning to increase core body temperature, which helps with alertness. Activities like walking or jogging, ideally in the sunlight, or even light calisthenics can be beneficial 3. Consider adding a cold shower to further increase wakefulness 3.

    4. Track your temperature minimum: Note down the time you wake up to determine your "temperature minimum," which is two hours before your average waking time and signifies the point when your body temperature is the lowest 4.

    5. Exposure to bright light: Ensure you get exposure to bright light within the first 30-60 minutes of waking. This triggers an early cortisol peak and sets your circadian rhythm 5.

    also points out that morning exercise not only prepares the body for waking up earlier but also stimulates neuromodulators that increase arousal and mental acuity throughout the day 6. He also mentions the importance of light exposure to circadian rhythms, advocating for ample bright light during the day and reduced light exposure at night 7.

    Additionally, , a guest on the , describes his morning routine that involves waking up and going directly into the sun, slowly starting the day, engaging in physical activity about an hour after waking, stretching, and avoiding work-related tasks until around 11:00 a.m. to maintain a focus on personal well-being 8.

    Implementing these practices may help optimize one's morning routine, but it's important to note that routines can vary between individuals, and you may need to adjust these suggestions to fit your schedule and preferences.

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