How does exercise impact the immune system?
Exercise has a significant impact on the immune system, with potential benefits and drawbacks depending on the intensity and duration of the activity:
Moderate Exercise Boosts Immunity: Engaging in moderate exercise, such as brisk walking for about 60 minutes daily, can enhance immune cell function. This includes increased activity of T cells, natural killer cells, and macrophages, which are crucial for combating viruses like colds and flu. The temporary stress from this kind of exercise prompts a mild inflammatory response and boosts the innate immune system's function 1.
Intensive Exercise May Diminish Immunity: However, intense and prolonged exercise, like running a marathon, can have the opposite effect. It may severely compromise the immune system, with reductions in T cell function and natural killer cell activity. High stress hormone levels and increased inflammation can result from such intense physical stress, making individuals more susceptible to infections afterward 1.
Optimal Exercise Duration: Exercise of about one hour or less at moderate to high intensity can significantly enhance the immune system's baseline activity, keeping it ready to combat infections effectively. The positive effects on immunity can last for up to 24 hours post-exercise 2.
Avoiding Exercise When Sick: If you're feeling run down or sick, it's usually better to rest rather than engage in strenuous exercise. Pushing your body during illness can further compromise your immune defense, prolonging your recovery time 3.
These insights from the highlight the importance of balancing exercise intensity and duration to support immune health effectively.