Is a salt rinse good for oral health?


considers the use of a high salt solution as an oral rinse to be an effective alternative for promoting healthy mouth bacteria. To create this rinse, dissolve salt in water until no more can dissolve, indicating a high sodium concentration. This solution can then be swished in the mouth and spat out, followed by a rinse with clear water to ensure no salt is swallowed. This method is explained as being cost-effective, almost zero cost, and beneficial for maintaining a healthy oral environment 1.

However, it's important to note that this high salt solution should be used for swishing only, not for swallowing, and the goal is to promote the proliferation of healthy microbiota components in the mouth.

Andrew Huberman also speaks against the use of hydrogen peroxide for oral rinses due to its abrasive nature and shares a personal experience where using a rinse of baking soda, water, and a bit of hydrogen peroxide led to the development of ulcers in his mouth 1. He advises consulting with healthcare professionals if currently using or considering the use of any rinse for oral health.

Oral Health Insights

Andrew shares his personal experience with hydrogen peroxide and warns against its use in oral care. He suggests a high salt solution as a cost-effective mouthwash alternative for promoting healthy mouth bacteria.

Huberman Lab

How to Improve Oral Health & It's Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

What supplements or foods are beneficial for prostate health?


To maintain prostate health, the discussion on by highlights the importance of overall health and prevention rather than specific supplements or foods known for boosting prostate health. The recommendations include managing factors that can hurt prostate health, avoiding chronic constipation, maintaining regular bowel movements, and ensuring a diet rich in prebiotic fiber and probiotics 1.

While there isn't a focus on particular supplements for prostate health, indicates that individuals with a strong genetic predisposition to enlarged prostates or early prostate cancer could consider supplements like saw palmetto or curcumin 1. Additionally, he suggests maintaining a low CRP (C-reactive protein), as elevated levels are associated with higher rates of prostate issues 1.

Regarding Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, and discuss its effects on DHT levels and prostate health, recommending caution in its use for those with low DHT levels or sensitivity to such supplements. Depending on individual responses, curcumin can either be beneficial or detrimental, and consulting health professionals before starting any new supplement is advised 2.

For those considering supplements, experimentation with guidance from healthcare professionals is key due to the variance in individual responses and sensitivity to the effects of herbal compounds 3. It's also important to note that dietary fiber intake can play a significant role in maintaining prostate health by supporting regular gut function and avoiding conditions negatively impacting the prostate 1.

Prostate Health

Kyle Gillett discusses how to maintain prostate health through prevention and a healthy diet. He recommends avoiding chronic constipation and having regular bowel movements with a diet rich in prebiotic fiber and probiotics. Sal palmetto supplements and curcumin can be taken on an individualized basis for those with a genetic predisposition to prostate issues.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Kyle Gillett: How to Optimize Your Hormones for Health & Vitality | Huberman Lab Podcast #67

What supplements or foods are beneficial for prostate health


To support prostate health, on the recommends focusing on overall health and managing factors that can negatively impact the prostate. This includes maintaining regular bowel movements and having a diet rich in prebiotic fiber and probiotics 1. He also mentions saw palmetto and curcumin, which can be considered by those with a strong genetic predisposition to enlarged prostates or early prostate cancer, suggesting that these supplements should be taken on an individualized basis 1.

However, caution is advised with curcumin, found in turmeric, due to its potential to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This effect can be beneficial or detrimental depending on an individual's genetic makeup and existing DHT levels. For individuals with low DHT levels or insensitivity to androgen receptors, it is advisable to avoid bioavailable curcuminoids and consider alternatives like Creatine monohydrate 2.

As always, it's important to consult a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regime, particularly because each individual may respond differently to herbal compounds 3. It's also crucial to consider that maintaining prostate health isn't about finding one specific food or supplement to improve or boost it, but rather about preventing infections and inflammation that could harm it, by ensuring good digestive and overall health 1.

Prostate Health

Kyle Gillett discusses how to maintain prostate health through prevention and a healthy diet. He recommends avoiding chronic constipation and having regular bowel movements with a diet rich in prebiotic fiber and probiotics. Sal palmetto supplements and curcumin can be taken on an individualized basis for those with a genetic predisposition to prostate issues.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Kyle Gillett: How to Optimize Your Hormones for Health & Vitality | Huberman Lab Podcast #67

What other supplements can be beneficial for prostate health?


Additional considerations for supplements that may benefit prostate health include the following:

  • Saw Palmetto: This supplement is commonly taken by older men for prostate health. It's known to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), but its effects differ across the various ISO enzymes of the 5-alpha reductase that it affects. Saw Palmetto inhibits primarily the ISO enzymes one and two, yet it's important to note that different supplements or medications can inhibit different enzymes, leading to varying effects on prostate health 1.

  • Finasteride and Dutasteride: These medications are used for managing prostate health and hair loss since they also inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT—Finasteride affects ISO enzymes two and three, while Dutasteride inhibits all three ISO enzymes. Finasteride affects the enzyme in genital skin but not elsewhere in the body, which can lead to side effects such as loss of sensation and erectile function 2.

It's important to monitor prostate health indicators such as the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and consider individual assessments due to potential side effects. Using supplements responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional is crucial, as well as staying informed about the cumulative impacts of hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and growth hormones on prostate health 3.

Prostate Supplements

Kyle and Andrew discuss the effects of saw palmetto and finasteride on prostate health and potential side effects. They also touch on the controversial topic of Finasteride Syndrome and the importance of experimenting with supplements. Andrew shares his personal experience with taking Creatine monohydrate for brain effects and a DHT bump.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Kyle Gillett: How to Optimize Your Hormones for Health & Vitality | Huberman Lab Podcast #67

Remember, always consult with a healthcare provider before integrating any of these supplements into your regimen to ensure they align with your specific health needs and conditions.


Tell me more about Saw Palmetto and its effects on prostate health.


:saw_palmetto: is often used by older men to support their prostate health. Its function is to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by acting on specific enzymes known as 5-alpha reductase isoforms. Saw palmetto primarily inhibits the first and second isoforms of this enzyme, which can lead to different outcomes depending on the specific isoforms targeted by other similar supplements or medications 1.

However, it's also important to understand that the balance of androgens to estrogens can affect prostate health, and the inhibition of the conversion of testosterone to DHT can have effects beyond the prostate, such as sexual function and mood. While some supplements like finasteride and dutasteride target similar enzymes, they have a broader and sometimes different inhibition profile which can lead to different side effects 2.

It is crucial to consult a healthcare provider for appropriate guidance on using Saw Palmetto and other related supplements, as their effects can be variable and dependent on individual hormone levels and health conditions.

Turmeric and Dht

Kyle and Andrew discuss the effects of turmeric and black pepper extract on the gut microbiome and Dht levels. They also touch on the different ISO enzymes affected by saw palmetto and finasteride, and the importance of optimizing Dht for libido and motivation.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Kyle Gillett: Tools for Hormone Optimization in Males | Huberman Lab Podcast 102