What helps chronic fatigue?


Managing chronic fatigue should prioritize a few key lifestyle factors.

  1. Quality Nutrition: Tailor your diet to what works best for your body.
  2. Regular and Ample Sleep: Getting enough quality sleep regularly is crucial as it regulates the autonomic nervous system, which helps in managing alertness and fatigue levels effectively.
  3. Social Support: Engaging in social connections can provide not just emotional but also chemical support that's crucial in managing fatigue.
  4. Stress Management: Strategies to handle stress efficiently can reduce the impact of chronic fatigue.
  5. Physical Exercise: A moderate exercise routine can help improve energy levels over time.

emphasizes that if you're suffering from chronic fatigue, it's paramount to address sleep and nutrition as foundational elements that keep the body's systems in balance 1. Moreover, achieving a physiological state that minimizes dependency on supplements or external aids is another goal, suggesting that optimizing your lifestyle, managing stress, and maintaining proper hydration and nutrition are key 2.

Overcoming Fear

Andrew discusses the foundational elements of quality nutrition and sleep on a regular basis to support mental and physical health. Good sleep helps regulate the autonomic nervous system and resets the balance of circuits related to fear and cognition. Eating well and social connection are also important indirect supports for trauma relief and overcoming fear.

Huberman Lab

Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear | Huberman Lab Podcast #49

What lifestyle changes can improve chronic fatigue?


To improve chronic fatigue through lifestyle changes, consider the following:

  1. Nutrition: Implementing consistent, quality nutrition tailored to your body's needs.
  2. Sleep: Regular and ample sleep helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system, which can improve mental and physical health, leading to better management of fatigue 1.
  3. Exercise: Both resistance training and cardiovascular exercises boost mitochondrial health, which has a broader impact on body function, including energy levels and stress management 2.
  4. Stress Management: Finding effective ways to optimize stress can indirectly support overall well-being and mental health, influencing energy levels 3.

    Overcoming Fear

    Andrew discusses the foundational elements of quality nutrition and sleep on a regular basis to support mental and physical health. Good sleep helps regulate the autonomic nervous system and resets the balance of circuits related to fear and cognition. Eating well and social connection are also important indirect supports for trauma relief and overcoming fear.

    Huberman Lab

    Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear | Huberman Lab Podcast #49
  5. Lifestyle Interventions: Engaging in consistent practices over time, especially the 'big six pillars' which include diet, exercise, stress management, sleep optimization, sunlight exposure, and spiritual health, can be beneficial 3.
  6. Physical Activity Spectrum: Engaging in both steady state, long duration exercises and high-intensity interval training can improve overall physical endurance, potentially having a positive effect on chronic fatigue 4.

These interventions should be seen as a long-term approach since, as mentioned by , doing a little consistently over time is much more effective than intensive but inconsistent efforts 3. Additionally, emphasizes the goal of reaching a physiological state where little to no supplementation is required, indicating that a balanced and healthy lifestyle is the ultimate target 5.