how incise testorerone?


To naturally boost testosterone levels, offers several recommendations based on his expertise and scientific literature:

  1. Sleep: Proper sleep is foundational for optimizing testosterone levels; it has an indirect effect on hormones by promoting overall health and recovery 1.

  2. Minimize Stress: Keeping chronic stress at a minimum is important for maintaining healthy testosterone levels due to its indirect impact on hormonal balance 1.

  3. Moderate Exercise: Training hard but not exceeding the optimal workout duration is crucial. An extended session beyond 75 minutes, especially if intense, can lead to increased cortisol which may negatively impact testosterone 2.

  4. Protocol for Resistance Training: Specifically, mentions a protocol involving six sets of 10 repetitions with big compound movements like squats or deadlifts, which are shown to stimulate testosterone release effectively 3.

    Optimizing Testosterone

    Andrew Huberman shares his insights on optimizing testosterone levels, emphasizing the importance of sleep, managing stress, and training effectively. He recommends two supplements, Tongat ali and Phdogia agrestis, that have shown promising results in increasing testosterone levels.

    Tim Ferriss Show

    Dr. Andrew Huberman — A Neurobiologist on Sleep, Performance, and Anxiety | The Tim Ferriss Show
  5. Supplementation: He recommends two supplements, Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis, for their potential in increasing testosterone levels. However, these should be taken under the guidance of a physician 1.

  6. Order of Exercise: If combining weight training and endurance activities, it's suggested to perform weight training before endurance exercises like cardio to optimize testosterone levels 2.

It's important to work with a healthcare provider before making changes to your health regimen and to be cautious with supplements. Moreover, emphasizes that no single practice or supplement will be a magic solution, and overall healthy lifestyle choices contribute to optimal hormonal health 4.

increse vfh

It seems there might be a misunderstanding or typo in your query regarding "vfh." Could you please clarify what you are referring to or provide more details? This would help me give you the most accurate and helpful response based on the knowledge from the .


all i need to know about vhr


It seems like there might have been a misunderstanding or typo with the term "VHR." I searched for relevant information based on the potential connection to HRV (Heart Rate Variability), as it seemed like a similar acronym that is discussed in the .

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures the variation in time intervals between heartbeats. It's associated with the body's stress and recovery states:

  • Importance of Consistent Measurement: HRV should be measured under similar circumstances daily, preferably in the morning after waking up and before engaging in any activity to get consistent and reliable results. This helps in comparing changes over time 1.
  • Impact of Lifestyle on HRV: Regular cardiovascular and resistance exercise, quality sleep, and managing stress are crucial for improving HRV 2.
  • Tracking HRV: It's recommended to track HRV for at least a month to obtain a baseline which can be useful for detecting significant changes. Comparisons should be made under similar conditions, such as time of day or day of the week 3.

    Tracking HRV

    Andy Galpin explains how to track HRV and the importance of measuring it under the same circumstances every day. He also discusses the natural change in HRV and how to determine when a change is significant enough to make changes in your routine.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals | Huberman Lab

If "VHR" was in reference to a different topic or if you need information on another subject, please let me know!


Summarize Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals | Huberman Lab

The episode " " with delves into numerous aspects of fitness recovery and optimization. Here's a summary of the key topics covered:

  • Understanding Recovery: The episode discusses various recovery techniques and tools meant to ameliorate muscle soreness and enhance overall athletic performance. It emphasizes the distinction between recovery and adaptation to training stress.

  • Muscle Soreness and Spindles: There's a thorough exploration of muscle soreness, its causes, and how muscle spindles play a role in reducing this soreness.

  • Health Optimization: The conversation covers the importance of sleep, correct supplementation, and the balance of homeostasis and hormesis in recovery processes.

  • Recovery Techniques: Included are discussions about the effectiveness of recovery breathing techniques, the use of compression gear, nutritional strategies, cold water immersion, and the utility of tools like AG1 (Athletic Greens) for meeting nutritional needs.

  • Adaptation & Biomarkers: They talk about the levels of adaptation, how to measure muscle markers, and the role of personalized nutrition in optimizing recovery.

  • Overreaching vs. Overtraining: The episode makes clear distinctions between overreaching (a recoverable level of training stress) and overtraining (which leads to long-term decrement in performance and health).

  • Cortisol and Stress Management: Insights into how cortisol impacts recovery, muscle function, and overall health, as well as how carbohydrates might interact with cortisol levels during recovery phases.

These topics aim to provide listeners with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively achieve and measure recovery, aiding in the improvement of fitness and performance goals.


Glycine for sleep quality


Glycine is recognized for its ability to enhance sleep quality. mentions taking two grams of glycine every third or fourth night, in addition to his standard sleep stack which includes magnesium threonate, apigenin, and theanine. He finds that this combination significantly improves his ability to fall asleep. However, he notes that using glycine and GABA too frequently may reduce the effectiveness of the sleep stack, although the specific reason for this is not clear 1.

Enhancing Sleep

Andrew shares his personal sleep stack and discusses the benefits of adding glycine, GABA, and inositol to enhance sleep quality and ease of falling asleep. He also mentions the long-term benefits of inositol in reducing anxiety and stress. Links to the sleep kit are provided for more information on supplements and behavioral tools for better sleep.

Huberman Lab

Sleep Toolkit: Tools for Optimizing Sleep & Sleep-Wake Timing | Huberman Lab Podcast #84

ok give me a guide to rise mi VHR in the long run; please be specific


To effectively raise your heart rate variability (HRV) over the long term, consider incorporating the following techniques based on the insights from :

  1. Regular Exercise: Engage in routine cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. Regular physical activity can significantly enhance HRV by strengthening heart health and overall cardiovascular function 1.

  2. Quality Sleep: Prioritize getting adequate and high-quality sleep every night. Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining autonomic balance, which is essential for good HRV 1.

  3. Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA): Practice controlled breathing to activate RSA, a phenomenon where your heart rate increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation. This breathing pattern, mediated by the vagus nerve, can lead to immediate improvements in HRV. A simple practice involves focusing on slow, deep inhales followed by longer, controlled exhales 1.

  4. Sauna Sessions: Utilizing sauna therapy can also benefit HRV. Sessions that include repeated exposure to heat alternated with cool showers can help in adapting your cardiovascular system to stress, thus potentially enhancing HRV. It's crucial to ensure safety by being mindful of the sauna temperature and personal health conditions 2.

  5. Emotional Granularity: Improve how you label and understand your emotions. Studies suggest that a better understanding and descriptive granularity of emotions are correlated with better HRV, mediated through improvements in RSA 1.

By consistently applying these techniques, you can achieve a notable improvement in HRV, contributing to both your physical and mental health. Always ensure to adapt these practices to your personal health conditions and consult with a healthcare provider if necessary.

Enhancing Heart Rate Variability

Discover how descriptive granularity of emotions can improve heart rate variability and mental health outcomes. Andrew explains the connection between respiratory sinus arrhythmia and heart rate variability, and shares a breathing technique that can be done in just five minutes a day for significant benefits.

Huberman Lab

Mental Health Toolkit: Tools to Bolster Your Mood & Mental Health

what is sleep stack?


A "sleep stack" refers to a combination of supplements taken to enhance sleep quality and duration. According to , a typical sleep stack includes:

  • Magnesium Threonate: About 145 milligrams is a common dosage, although some may need slightly more or less. This form of magnesium is chosen for its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, which may help improve the quality of sleep.
  • Apigenin: 50 milligrams of this compound, which is found in chamomile and other plants, can induce drowsiness and contribute to sustained sleep.
  • Theanine: Ranging from 100 to 400 milligrams, this amino acid is known for its calming effects and can be taken alone or in combination with other components of the sleep stack.

The sleep stack is typically taken 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime, especially on an empty stomach or after a light snack. It's designed to allow customization for each individual’s needs, adding or removing specific components based on their reaction (such as gastrointestinal distress from magnesium threonate or vivid dreams from theanine) 1 2.

The concept behind the sleep stack is to enhance sleep without the dependency often associated with other sleep aids like melatonin, which can affect other hormonal systems when used frequently or in high doses. Additionally, emphasizes the safety and modifiability of using a sleep stack, making it a potentially effective solution for those struggling with sleep issues 2 1.

Sleep Stack Dosages

Andrew shares the ideal dosages for magnesium threonate, apigenin, and theanine for better sleep. He also advises on adjusting dosages based on individual needs and potential side effects.

Huberman Lab

Sleep Toolkit: Tools for Optimizing Sleep & Sleep-Wake Timing | Huberman Lab Podcast #84