What protocols are recommended for improving sleep?


Improving sleep involves a combination of behavioral tools, environmental adjustments, and occasionally supplements or technology. Here are some protocols and tools recommended by :

  1. Sleep Hypnosis: The Reverie app offers a sleep hypnosis that can help with falling asleep, staying asleep, and dealing with insomnia. Use it weekly for significant improvements without the need for supplements 1.

  2. Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR): NSDR protocols such as clinically tested hypnosis or yoga nidra can help you learn to turn off thoughts and access deep relaxation. They are beneficial for falling back asleep or as daytime restorative practices 2 3.

    Sleep Tools

    Andrew and Andy discuss various tools to improve sleep, including the Reverie app and behavioral techniques such as getting up to complete a task that's keeping you awake. They emphasize the importance of finding what works for you and your budget.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series
  3. Morning and Evening Light: Exposure to morning and evening sunlight helps regulate circadian rhythms, which is crucial, especially during chaotic sleep schedules, by offering anchors to your body's internal clock 4.

  4. Polyphasic Sleep: If you cannot sleep continuously, sleeping in batches that match 90-minute cycles can be beneficial. Adults who do this may reduce their overall need for sleep 5.

  5. Avoiding Sleep Anxiety: Prevent sleep anxiety by not being neurotically attached to a sleep schedule. Instead, use NSDR protocols to help your nervous system calm down and ease into sleep 2.

  6. Embrace Calm: If you're losing sleep due to taking care of a baby or if your sleep is fragmented, it is important to maintain calm throughout the day using NSDR or other calming methods to help regulate the autonomic nervous system 5.

  7. Exercise Consideration: When it comes to work out, the timing can affect sleep, with intense exercise late in the day potentially disrupting sleep. Exercise can also enhance circadian rhythm signaling if done in the morning 6.

It's essential to adapt these strategies to personal schedules, constraints, and preferences for best results. Additionally, always seek advice from medical professionals before starting or changing sleep protocols.