Highlights from


In the of the podcast, and discuss various topics around well-being, creativity, and daily routines. Key highlights include:

  • Sunlight Signals: Huberman stresses the importance of experiencing sunlight signals to the eyes for circadian health and points out the special quality of morning and evening light.

  • Morning Routine Insights: Rubin describes his morning ritual, including spending time in the sun and engaging in physical activities like walking on the beach or stretching, before starting work around 11:00 AM.

  • Money and Creativity: Rubin shares his view of money as a secondary concern to the creative process, advocating for focusing on the idea and ingenuity over financial resources.

  • Evening Wind Down: Rubin talks about his evening routine, which involves wearing red light glasses, avoiding work-related activities, and winding down in a less stimulating environment.

  • Intimate Conversations: Rubin reflects on the intimacy that can be achieved in podcasting by avoiding the sense of performance and maintaining natural conversations.

Sunlight Signals

Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process
Andrew Huberman
Rick Rubin

Morning Routine Insights

Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process
Andrew Huberman
Rick Rubin

Money and Creativity

Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process
Andrew Huberman
Rick Rubin

Evening Wind Down

Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process
Andrew Huberman
Rick Rubin

Intimate Conversations

Rick Rubin: Protocols to Access Creative Energy and Process
Andrew Huberman
Rick Rubin

Play clip:


Tell me about

is known as a co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and a renowned record producer. He has played an essential role in the popularization of hip hop music and has a wide-ranging impact across various music genres. Rubin has worked with an array of top artists across the music industry and is known for his minimalist approach to production. His contribution to music highlights the power of stripping back to create rich, impactful sounds and for his capacity to draw out the creative energy in artists.