The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism through the production of thyroid hormones. These hormones influence various bodily functions, including energy consumption and tissue buildup. For instance, thyroid hormone (T3) is key in converting energy, boosting metabolism, and even affecting the amount of adipose tissue in the body. Higher levels of thyroid hormone are associated with leaner body compositions, whereas lower levels correlate with a higher body fat percentage. One of the actionable tools for supporting thyroid health is sufficient iodine intake, primarily sourced from seafood (1).
In addition to metabolism, the thyroid also facilitates the utilization of glucose by enhancing its uptake in muscles, bone, and other tissues, thus playing a role in injury recovery and brain function. Nutrients like iodine, selenium, and tyrosine are essential for maintaining healthy thyroid levels, which in turn support overall metabolic and cognitive processes (2 3).
Lastly, diets can impact thyroid health significantly. Diets lacking in proper iodine levels (found often in very meat-rich or vegetable-rich diets) can lead to diminished thyroid function. Therefore, ensuring a balanced intake of iodine, whether from dietary sources like seaweeds or supplements, is vital for maintaining effective thyroid hormone levels (4).