• intrinsic rewards

  • Sources:

    Intrinsic motivation, often contrasted with extrinsic motivation, revolves around engaging in activities because they are inherently interesting or enjoyable, rather than for some separable consequence or reward.

    Key Insights from Huberman Lab:

    1. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation:

      • Adam Grant and Andrew Huberman discuss how intrinsic motivation results in a better focus and a greater likelihood of finding flow in tasks. It's easier to become deeply absorbed and persistent when you're intrinsically driven, which enhances performance and satisfaction 1.
      • Intrinsic rewards involve the internal satisfaction and enjoyment derived from an activity, while extrinsic rewards are external and can often undermine intrinsic interest. For example, rewarding children for drawing (an activity they initially enjoyed) decreased their desire to draw once the rewards were removed 2.
    2. The Role of Autonomy and Control:

    3. Social and Role Model Impact:

      • Social context and role models also play a significant role. Seeing high achievers around can set a high bar and drive better performance, but only if intrinsic motivation remains strong. Comparing oneself to high benchmarks seen in social media, for example, can sometimes lead to unhealthy self-measurement 4 3.
    4. Practical Applications and Benefits:

      • Huberman points out that practices like "self-persuasion," convincing oneself to enjoy a task, can aid in developing intrinsic motivation. This involves focusing on aspects of the task that might be enjoyable or finding small engaging "hooks" within it 5 6.
      • Overall, tasks designed to nurture intrinsic motivation—through autonomy, task design, and aligning activities with personal interests—can significantly enhance performance and personal satisfaction 1 2.

    For a deeper dive into these insights, the discussion on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be found in episodes like featuring , and .

  • How can I increase intrinsic motivation?

  • Sources:

    Increasing intrinsic motivation involves various strategies that align the activity itself with personal interests, enjoyment, and the inherent satisfaction derived from the task. Here are some key insights from the :

    1. Focus on Autonomy and Control:

    • Giving yourself or others a sense of choice and control over tasks can significantly boost intrinsic motivation. When people feel they have autonomy, external incentives are less likely to overshadow the intrinsic satisfaction of the activity 1.

    2. Enhance the Joy of the Activity:

    • Engage in activities that inherently bring you joy without the need for external stimuli. Whether it's a hobby like playing music or a sport, focusing on the intrinsic pleasure helps maintain sustained motivation and enjoyment 2.

    3. Align Tasks with Personal Interests:

    4. Avoid Comparing to High Benchmarks:

    • Comparing yourself to others, especially those showcasing high levels of achievement on social media, can undermine intrinsic motivation. Instead, focus on your personal sensory experience and progress in the activity 4.

    5. Nurture Through Self-Persuasion:

    • Convincing yourself or others about the positive aspects of a task can increase intrinsic enjoyment. For example, talking positively about a task you dislike may help reshape your perception and increase your intrinsic liking of it 5.

    6. Design Engaging Tasks:

    • Carefully design tasks to be engaging and aligned with personal interests. Structuring tasks to include elements that individuals find naturally enjoyable can enhance intrinsic motivation 5.

    7. Emphasize Process Over Outcome:

    • Focus on the process rather than the outcome. Enjoying the journey and the effort itself is crucial for maintaining intrinsic motivation. This perspective helps ensure that pleasure and satisfaction come from doing the task, not just achieving a result 6.

    In summary, intrinsic motivation is deeply tied to personal interest, enjoyment, and the satisfaction found within the task itself. Emphasizing autonomy, tapping into self-persuasion, avoiding unfavorable comparisons, and focusing on the process can significantly boost intrinsic motivation.