Hello Dr.Huberman . Is it true that after a walk , our brain and memory will get stronger??


Yes, walking can indeed help strengthen your brain and memory. , a guest on the podcast, has explained that exercise, including walking, triggers the release of neurochemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, as well as a growth factor called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf). Bdnf is crucial because it helps new brain cells grow in your hippocampus, which is the part of the brain associated with memory 1.

Even a single session of aerobic exercise can have immediate benefits for the brain, such as improved mood, enhanced prefrontal function, which is critical for focus and attention, as well as faster reaction times. These acute effects can last for up to two hours after the exercise session is finished, and everyone, regardless of age, can experience decreased anxiety, depression, hostility, and increased energy levels. Performance on cognitive tasks that require attention is also improved after exercise 2.

Walking specifically, even for just 10 minutes, can have a positive impact on mood, which is part of the neurochemical benefits provided by exercise. Regular walking can therefore be a very accessible form of exercise to gain some of these brain health benefits 3.

Exercise and Brain Health

Wendy shares how exercise can improve brain health by releasing neurochemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf). Bdnf helps grow new brain cells in the hippocampus, which is important for memory and attention function. Exercise can help delay the onset of diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's, making it an important habit to cultivate for brain health.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Wendy Suzuki: Boost Attention & Memory with Science-Based Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #73

How to gave a healthier lifestyle


Adopting a healthier lifestyle involves several key factors. Here are a few highlighted by experts on the :

  1. Diet and Exercise: Consistent and sustainable diet and exercise are foundational for health. Resistance training and caloric restriction are especially beneficial for hormone health 1.

  2. Regular Movement: Incorporate movement into your daily routine, such as zone 2 cardio and resistance training. These activities support overall health and prevent injuries 2.

  3. Sleep: Prioritize high-quality and consistent sleep to support immune function and overall health 3.

    Hormone Health Optimization

    Kyle shares the six pillars of lifestyle interventions to optimize hormone health, with diet and exercise being the most important. He emphasizes the importance of doing a little bit over a long period of time rather than doing a lot and then doing nothing. The other four pillars include stress optimization, sleep optimization, sunlight exposure, and spiritual health.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Kyle Gillett: How to Optimize Your Hormones for Health & Vitality | Huberman Lab Podcast #67
  4. Stress Management: Implement stress management techniques like mindfulness, relaxation, and talking with friends or therapists 4.

  5. Social and Spiritual Health: Maintain strong social relationships and attend to spiritual needs for overall well-being 1.

  6. Sunlight: Regular exposure to natural light supports circadian rhythms and overall health 3.

  7. Purpose: Find activities or goals that give a sense of purpose, contributing to long-term motivation and life satisfaction 4.

  8. Moderation: Learn to balance work with nondestructive ways to rest and recover 5.

By focusing on these areas, individual health and vitality can be optimized in a holistic manner. Remember that small, sustained changes are more effective than sporadic, intense efforts.