• How do masturbation and porn affect my brain?

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    Masturbation and porn can have significant neurobiological and hormonal impacts on the brain. and his guest discussed how porn and masturbation, especially when frequent and to the point of ejaculation, can affect dopamine, sexual motivation, and hormones. Here are some key points from their conversation:

    • Porn and masturbation can wire the brain to be aroused by images or videos of others having sex, possibly affecting one's ability to engage in actual sexual interactions 1.
    • The brain treats these experiences as intense dopamine-releasing events, akin to drug use, which with habitual repetition can lead to progressively less dopamine release and tolerance, resulting in a need for more intense stimulation over time 2.
    • Ejaculation can cause an increase in prolactin, which inhibits the release of LH and FSH hormones that can increase testosterone. Daily or multiple daily habits could be particularly detrimental from a hormonal perspective 1.
    • This habit, when extreme, can impact real-world libido and the ability to pursue and develop healthy sexual relationships 3 4.
    • Varying the stimuli in one's sexual arousal and not becoming over-reliant on pornography or certain masturbation practices is advised 5.

    It is important to approach these subjects with nuance and recognize that not all individuals are affected the same way. However, understanding the biological basis for these behaviors can inform decisions about their place in one's life.