• How to lower my cholesterol?

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    To lower cholesterol, particularly apob which reflects the concentration of LDL and VLDL particles, both dietary interventions and medications can be used. Nutritionally, reducing carbohydrate intake can lower triglyceride levels, which indirectly affects cholesterol levels. Restricting carbohydrates, especially in insulin-resistant individuals, consistently decreases triglycerides. The limitation of saturated fat intake, which is known to drive up apob levels, in combination with lower carbohydrate intake, can also aid in lowering cholesterol levels. However, diet alone may not be sufficient to bring cholesterol to very low levels; pharmacological interventions such as statins may be necessary 1.

    emphasizes that for people at high risk of heart disease, aiming for the lowest possible apob levels is desirable to avoid dying from heart disease rather than with it. Medications such as statins can lower cholesterol by signaling the liver to remove more LDL from circulation. Other drugs like PCSK9 inhibitors can indirectly increase the number of LDL receptors in the liver, reducing LDL cholesterol levels even further 2.

    For brain health, maintaining lower LDL cholesterol levels is beneficial, and exercise plays an important role as well. recommends a mix of low-intensity cardio, strength training, and interval training as the minimum effective dose for healthy brain aging relating to exercise 3.

    For comprehensive dietary choices, tools such as the recommendation engine Perfect can help categorize foods based on their metabolic effect, aiding in avoiding high-risk foods like those categorized under nova class four, which are associated with chronic metabolic diseases 4.

    It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on lowering cholesterol and assessing the risks and benefits of different interventions for one's individual health situation.