What dog did Huberman had?


Andrew Huberman had a bulldog mastiff named Costello. He describes Costello as the laziest creature he's ever known, noting that despite his laziness, Costello was very efficient with his energy when necessary 1. Costello was also a regular, albeit noisy, presence in the background of the Huberman Lab podcasts, often heard snoring 2.

Dog Training Insights

Andrew and Jocko discuss the intuitive nature of dogs and how they mimic their owners. Jocko shares his experience training his dog and the importance of being a pack leader. Andrew talks about the potential for dogs to sense human emotions and the similarities between training dogs and humans.
Huberman Lab
Jocko Willink: How to Become Resilient, Forge Your Identity & Lead Others | Huberman Lab Podcast 104

How to qquickly get out of a rut?


To quickly get out of a rut, it is valuable to intensify your observation of the surroundings and personal feelings. This approach was shared by Robert Greene and discussed as the idea of "death ground," which originates from his book on strategic thinking, inspired by Sun Tzu's principles. The concept of "death ground" involves creating a sense of urgency as if your success was necessary for survival. This urgency enables you to access otherwise untapped reserves of energy and focus, akin to a life-or-death situation. This strategy can be particularly effective when you feel backed into a corner and need to muster all resources to overcome a challenge or achieve a goal 1.

Finding Energy in Urgency

Robert Greene discusses the concept of "death ground" and how it can be a powerful motivator. When faced with urgency or deadlines, we tap into a hidden reserve of energy and focus. By recognizing the reality of limited time, we can harness this sense of urgency to achieve our goals.
Huberman Lab
Robert Greene: A Process for Finding & Achieving Your Unique Purpose