• Harm reduction tips for psychedelics

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    When considering harm reduction tips for psychedelic use, here are several key points discussed by on the :

    1. Set and Setting: Make sure the environment is safe, with no hazards such as windows to jump from, streets with moving traffic, or bodies of water to accidentally enter. It's crucial to have responsible individuals present who are not under the influence to ensure the safety of those who are taking psychedelics 1.

    2. Guide Presence: Having one or more sober individuals to guide or assist the person under the influence can help navigate any challenging aspects of the experience and provide immediate support if needed 1.

    3. Eye Mask and Seating: For introspective work and to avoid external distractions, it is recommended that the individual under the influence of psychedelics should be seated or ideally lying down with their eyes covered, either with an eye mask or in a subdued setting 1.

    4. Integration: Recognize the value of integrating the psychedelic experience, which involves processing and understanding the insights gained during the trip 2.

    5. Long-Term Health Considerations: Be aware of any long-term health implications, such as potential heart valve issues identified with frequent microdosing due to serotonin 5H2B receptor activation, which may pose cumulative negative effects over time 3.

    Always remember that psychedelics can have profound psychological effects, so they should be approached with care and respect for their potency. Legal and health implications should be considered before use.