• What protocols help sleep? Why is morning light good, it is not usual in winter in Portland, OR?

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    To improve sleep, it's essential to follow specific protocols and understand the importance of light exposure:

    1. Morning Light Exposure: Getting bright light in your eyes shortly after waking is crucial for setting your body's circadian rhythms. This exposure boosts your cortisol spike, which helps keep you alert during the day and aids sleep onset at night. On cloudy days or in regions like Portland, even diffuse sunlight can be effective, so spending more time outside can help compensate for low light levels 1 2 3.

    2. Artificial Light in the Morning: If you wake up before sunrise, using bright artificial lights in the morning can help you stay awake until natural sunlight is available. However, try to transition to natural light exposure once the sun is up, as natural sunlight is more effective than indoor lighting 4.

    3. Evening and Night Light Management: In the evening, reducing exposure to bright artificial light can help maintain natural sleep signals. Minimizing light exposure aligns with the decrease in your body's sensitivity to light later in the day, aiding in melatonin production 1.

    By managing light exposure, you can significantly enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being. This is especially relevant in areas with limited sunlight, where utilizing daylight can synchronize your biological clock effectively.