Regarding breastfeeding and the associated physiological processes, there's important information about oxytocin and its role in bonding, as discussed by and Karen Parker. Oxytocin is released during situations like milk letdown and childbirth, which fosters bonding between mother and child. This bonding is crucial as it influences emotional and attachment dynamics from an evolutionary perspective 1 2.
Additionally, mentioned in a discussion on attachment that calming interactions, such as breastfeeding or singing to a baby, coordinate a state of relaxation in both the mother and child. This interaction promotes the release of soothing neurochemicals like serotonin and oxytocin, emphasizing the bidirectional nature of emotional regulation during parent-child bonding 3.
These findings highlight the complex interplay between hormones like oxytocin and the neural mechanisms underlying maternal behaviors and bonding, showcasing their significance in the early stages of child development.