• Can i check with you if my topic idea is of intrest to huberman?

  • Sources:

    Certainly! Here are examples of topics that have interested based on discussions from the :

    1. Lucid Dreaming: expressed fascination with dreaming and lucid dreaming. He explored the relevance of dreams in our lives and their potential impact on our cognitive processes 1.

    2. Creativity and Movement: Huberman discussed how physical movement can trigger creativity and spark new ideas. He also highlighted the role of stillness in filtering and refining these ideas 2.

    3. Gratitude and Physiological Responses: He delved into studies showing how listening to stories can synchronize physiological responses like heart rate among different people. This underscores the power of narratives in coordinating our physiology 3.

    4. Intrinsic Motivation: explored the concept of intrinsic motivation, emphasizing how one can develop interest in initially unappealing tasks and its importance in performance and everyday functionality 4.

    5. Interplay of Science and Public Trust: Huberman and guest Lex Fridman discussed the role of scientific community members in regaining public trust in science and tackling contentious topics through informed, collaborative dialogues 5.

    6. Mental Health Pillars: outlined the six essential pillars of mental health: sleep, light (including darkness), movement, nutrition, social connection, and stress control. These elements are considered foundational for maintaining optimal mental and emotional well-being 6.

    If your topic aligns with or expands on these areas, it is likely to resonate with and his audience.

  • My topic is following. I have an idea that Snoozing creates a certain sensation and feeling in the body. And procrastinating over all also gives that type of feeling. Can this be related? I have heard people say that stopping snoozing changed their lives, and maybe this change of daily routine may change other aspects of your life?

  • The relationship between snoozing, procrastination, and their effects on life changes does not seem to have been directly discussed in the retrieved clips from the . However, frequently explores topics related to habits, routines, and their impacts on mental and physical health.

    Given his interest in how different behaviors and daily routines affect our brain and overall well-being, your topic might indeed be compelling and relevant to his audience.

    If you wish to explore more about habits and routines, you might consider framing your idea around the neuroscience of habit formation and its influence on life changes. This could be an appealing angle for Huberman, considering his focus on applied neuroscience to improve daily life.