What is DHEA?


DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone primarily produced by the adrenal glands. It's often referred to as a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen, which means it can convert into these sex hormones. DHEA has been promoted as a way to increase levels of testosterone and estrogen in both males and females, impacting various body functions including mental vigor, physical strength, and libido 1. However, the effects of DHEA supplementation can vary depending on individual factors, such as one's starting hormone levels and the presence of aromatase, an enzyme that converts hormones. It's described as a global promoter of sex steroid hormones, and its specific effects can be influenced by whether an individual has more estrogen or testosterone to begin with, as well as whether they have ovaries or testes 1.

In the context of hair loss, DHEA has also been mentioned when discussing the conversion of testosterone to its derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Androgens like testosterone and its derivative, DHT, can play a role in inhibiting hair growth by reducing factors such as IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1) and cyclic AMP 2.

Understanding Dhea

Andrew explains how Dhea affects the production of testosterone and estrogen in individuals, depending on their starting levels and the presence of aromatase. Dhea is a global promoter of sex steroid hormones, and its effects vary based on the individual's sex and hormone levels.

Huberman Lab

The Science of How to Optimize Testosterone & Estrogen | Huberman Lab Podcast #15

What is the recommended dosage of DHEA in order to increase testosterone?


The available data does not provide a specific recommended dosage of DHEA for the purpose of increasing testosterone. Additionally, it's crucial to point out that any supplementation, especially hormones like DHEA, should be approached with caution and ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional, due to the complexity of hormone balance and the potential for side effects.

If you're considering using DHEA, it is strongly recommended to consult with a healthcare provider who can tailor a regimen specific to your individual health needs and monitor your hormone levels appropriately.