What is the importance of spending time in nature?


Spending time in nature has various benefits for both mental and physical health, as discussed by on the . Studies have shown that engaging with nature, such as spending time in parks, by streams, or near the ocean for 10 to 30 minutes three to seven days per week, can significantly lower blood pressure, reduce resting heart rate, improve sleep, mood, and overall performance 1.

In addition to these benefits, spending time in nature provides a gestalt, or collective experience, that includes elements such as the element of surprise, wildlife encounters, soothing sounds, fresh air, and visually contrasting colors. The unique and interactive quality of these natural elements contributes to the positive impact on our well-being 1. Furthermore, mentions the concept of 'forest bathing,' which originated from studies in Japan wherein people who spent time in forested areas experienced improved mental and physical health compared to those who did not 2.

It is also suggested that spending two hours a day outside can help reduce the probability of developing myopia (nearsightedness) by enhancing the health of the tiny muscles in the eyes that help with focusing 3.

The Power of Nature

Discover the undeniable benefits of spending time in nature, from reduced blood pressure and improved sleep to enhanced mood and performance. Andrew shares personal anecdotes and scientific evidence that prove the positive impact of being outdoors.

Huberman Lab

AMA #10: Benefits of Nature & “Grounding," Hearing Loss Research & Avoiding Altitude Sickness

The scientific method may struggle to isolate individual variables that make nature beneficial, but the general consensus is that spending time outdoors and engaging with nature has profound benefits for health and should be a priority when safely possible 4.