Benefits of asheaghanda


Ashwagandha offers several benefits primarily due to its impact on reducing cortisol levels, which can lead to various downstream health improvements. Here's a summary of the benefits as discussed by :

  1. Reduces Anxiety: Ashwagandha has a significant anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect, which has been validated in numerous studies 1.
  2. Lowers Cortisol: It can reduce cortisol levels by about 14.5% to 27.9% in stressed but otherwise healthy individuals, which is a stronger effect compared to many other supplements 1.
  3. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Lowering cortisol with ashwagandha can decrease heart palpitations and improve cardiovascular markers like C-reactive protein 2.
  4. Supports Thyroid Function: It increases serum T3 and T4, which are critical thyroid hormones 2.
  5. Improves Memory and Cognitive Function: Possibly due to better sleep and reduced stress, ashwagandha can enhance memory and cognitive functions 2.
  6. Other Potential Benefits: These include decreased symptoms of OCD, lowered heart rate, fewer insomnia issues, and reduced reaction times 2.

also personally uses ashwagandha at times, particularly for managing stress and improving sleep quality. He advises taking it in the evening or with the last meal of the day to optimally reduce cortisol 2. However, it's important to consult reputable sources and possibly a healthcare provider to determine appropriate dosages and whether ashwagandha is suitable for your individual needs.

Ashwagandha Benefits

Andrew discusses the benefits of Ashwagandha, a supplement that has been shown to have a powerful anti-anxiety effect and can significantly reduce cortisol levels in otherwise healthy but stressed individuals. It has also been shown to modestly increase testosterone and adjust low density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Huberman Lab

Using Cortisol & Adrenaline to Boost Our Energy & Immune System Function | Huberman Lab Podcast #18

Top 10 benefits of psilium


Psyllium, commonly known as a source of soluble fiber, offers a range of health benefits, particularly related to digestive health. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Improves Digestive Health: Psyllium is well known for its ability to promote regularity and prevent constipation by increasing stool bulk and facilitating its passage through the gut.
  2. Helps with Weight Management: By forming a gel-like substance in the gut, psyllium slows down digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, which can help with appetite regulation.
  3. Controls Blood Sugar Levels: Psyllium improves glycemic control by slowing digestion and the absorption of sugar, which is beneficial for people with diabetes.
  4. Lowers Cholesterol: Psyllium can bind to fats and bile acids, helping to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  5. Supports Heart Health: By lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure, psyllium contributes to overall heart health.
  6. Promotes Gut Microbiota Diversity: Consuming psyllium as part of a diet rich in dietary fibers can aid in fostering a diverse gut microbiota, crucial for overall health 1.
  7. Detoxification: Psyllium helps to absorb toxins in the bowel and assists in their excretion, aiding in detoxification processes.
  8. Gluten-Free Alternative: It's a safe fiber option for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease as it can provide the fiber that might be lacking in a gluten-free diet.
  9. May Reduce Inflammation: The gel-forming fibers in psyllium can help protect the intestinal wall and may reduce inflammation associated with bowel disorders.
  10. Helps with Diarrhea: It can also be used to solidify loose stools and reduce the symptoms of diarrhea.

These benefits make psyllium a versatile fiber supplement that can enhance many aspects of health, particularly those related to digestive functions. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have existing health conditions.

Prebiotics and Gut Health

Justin explains the benefits of consuming a broad variety of plants and diverse fiber for fostering microbiota diversity. He also discusses the potential risks of consuming purified fibers and how rapidly fermentable fibers can result in weird metabolism happening in your liver.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Justin Sonnenburg: How to Build, Maintain & Repair Gut Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #62

When best time of day to take psilium

The does not specifically discuss the best time of day to take psyllium. Generally, it can be taken at any time of day, but many people prefer to take it with meals to help with digestion and to ensure it is mixed properly with food, which can also prevent potential gastrointestinal discomfort. It's recommended to follow the product instructions or consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.


How can you cure or reduce allergy sympt


To manage and potentially reduce allergy symptoms, the discusses a couple of approaches:

  1. Allergy Treatment Through Mindset: discusses the impact of positive mindsets on medical treatments, particularly in a study with children undergoing treatment for food allergies. By reframing the side effects as positive signals of the body adapting, they observed reduced anxiety, fewer symptoms at higher doses, and improved outcomes based on immune markers 1.

  2. Alternative Remedies: also talks about the use of spirulina, a form of algae, as an alternative method to reduce symptoms like nasal congestion and inflammation (rhinitis). Studies have shown that spirulina can decrease nasal obstruction, improve sleep, and reduce inflammatory cytokines 2.

These insights suggest beneficial strategies for handling allergy symptoms, either through psychological approaches or alternative treatments like spirulina.

Improving Medical Treatments

Alia discusses her work on improving medical treatments by instilling positive mindsets in patients. She shares a study where reframing the mindsets of children undergoing treatment for food allergies led to better outcomes and reduced anxiety.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Alia Crum: Science of Mindsets for Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #56

what are recommended ways to reduce symptoms of allergy?


To reduce allergy symptoms, the suggests several strategies:

  1. Alternative Treatments:

    • Spirulina: This algae has been shown to effectively reduce nasal congestion and inflammation (rhinitis). Research indicates that spirulina can decrease nasal obstruction, enhance sleep, and reduce inflammatory cytokines. It works by inhibiting the activity of histaminergic mast cells, which are involved in allergic responses 1.
  2. Positive Mindset in Medical Treatments:

    • Reframing Side Effects: A study involving children undergoing treatment for food allergies demonstrated that viewing the side effects (like itchy mouth and upset stomach) as a positive signal of the body adapting could lead to reduced anxiety and improved outcomes based on immune markers 2.

Both of these methods offer innovative ways to approach and possibly mitigate allergy symptoms by focusing on alternative remedies and psychological strategies.

Algae for Congestion

Andrew discusses alternative ways to address symptoms of the common cold, specifically congestion, without the use of over-the-counter medications. He highlights the potential benefits of taking spirulina, a form of algae, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve sleep in humans.

Huberman Lab

Using Your Nervous System to Enhance Your Immune System | Huberman Lab Podcast #44

Tell me more about spirulina effect positive in treating allergy from trees


Spirulina has been shown to be effective in treating allergies from trees, particularly by targeting symptoms like nasal congestion and inflammation. In detailed discussions on the , explains that spirulina works by inhibiting histaminergic mast cells. These cells are key players in the allergic response, releasing histamine that leads to inflammation and typical allergy symptoms. He mentions that spirulina can be as effective as some major prescription and over-the-counter allergy drugs.

Interestingly, the mechanism behind spirulina's effectiveness is not just anecdotal but is supported by its ability to decrease the activity of mast cells, which are crucial in the immune response to allergens like tree pollen. This makes spirulina a viable, natural alternative for managing symptoms of tree allergies 1.

Moreover, spirulina's impact is not limited to simply managing symptoms traditionally but extends to reducing nasal congestion and improving sleep, both of which are commonly disrupted by allergic reactions. Clinical studies have shown spirulina's effectiveness in reducing rhinitis symptoms, indicating it's a substantial option for those suffering from tree allergies 2.

Mast Cells & Spirulina

Andrew explains how mast cells are a crucial part of our immune response and how spirulina can be used to treat seasonal allergies by inhibiting histamines in mast cells. However, spirulina can carry side effects for people with PKU.

Huberman Lab

Using Your Nervous System to Enhance Your Immune System | Huberman Lab Podcast #44