• How does exercise influence brain function specifically?

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    Exercise influences brain function through several physiological and cognitive pathways, as explained by and guest on the podcast. Below are the key points they have articulated:

    1. Oxygenation: Intense exercise can initially reduce brain oxygenation, affecting cognitive function, so it's important to balance exercise intensity and duration with cognitive demands 1.

    2. Hormonal Signals: High-intensity strength and hypertrophy training, particularly when involving muscle burn, can beneficially impact the brain through the generation of lactate as a hormonal signal 2.

    3. Blood Flow: Increased blood flow from exercise supports brain health, considering the brain's high metabolic demand. The brain's fuel delivery system relies on this enhanced circulation from exercise 3.

    4. Release of Neurochemicals: Exercise prompts the release of neurochemicals, including dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), which are beneficial for mood, attention, and growth of new neurons in the hippocampus, enhancing memory and cognitive function 4 5.

    5. Neuroplasticity: Besides releasing neurochemicals, exercise can foster brain plasticity. Regular physical activity might improve the brain's capacity for plasticity and increase the efficiency and size of vascular structures for delivering nutrients and growth factors to the brain 6.

    6. Osteocalcin and Movement: Load-bearing exercises induce the release of osteocalcin, a hormone from bones that supports brain function and health. This release also helps the brain to keep track of body movement, maintaining the crucial brain-body connection 7.

    7. Neurogenesis: Cardiovascular exercise is associated with the proliferation of new neurons in the hippocampus' dentate gyrus, which contributes to memory formation and cognitive enhancement 8.

    8. Long-Term Brain Health: Consistent exercise throughout life can preserve cognition and delay the decline associated with aging and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's 5.