How Can suplement magnesium?
Magnesium supplementation can be achieved in different ways, and the choice of form can affect its bioavailability and potential benefits. According to , it's worth noting that not all forms of magnesium have the same effects or purposes. Here are some methods and considerations for supplementing magnesium as discussed in the Huberman Lab Podcast:
Methods of Supplementation:
Magnesium tablets that dissolve in water, specifically designed as molecular hydrogen tablets, can be used to create hydrogen-rich water which also increases magnesium intake. These should be dissolved according to the instructions and not used excessively or with carbonated or hot beverages. This method can also increase the pH of your water 1.
Consuming magnesium supplements directly, with options like Magnesium Threonate or Magnesium Bisglycinate. These forms are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and can help with sleep by engaging the GABA pathway 2. The common dosage suggested by is 200-400 mg before bedtime, but this should be adjusted based on personal needs and tolerance, taking care to consult with a healthcare professional if you have heart issues or other concerns 3.
Incorporating foods high in magnesium into your diet, such as dark leafy greens, which naturally contain magnesium as part of their chlorophyll content 4.
Considerations and Preferences:
- Magnesium Threonate can potentially support cognitive function and aid the transition into sleep when taken 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness for these specific uses 5 6.
- Magnesium Bisglycinate is viewed as generally on par with Magnesium Threonate in promoting sleep depth and onset 7.
- Magnesium Citrate is known for its laxative effect and is less suitable for aiding sleep 7.
- Magnesium Malate targets muscle recovery and may not induce sleepiness like other forms 5.
Magnesium is involved in numerous processes, including DNA repair, ATP production, and vitamin D metabolism, which makes it important for overall health. The general population may not be getting enough of it from their diet, so supplementation can be beneficial 4.
When considering supplementation, individual responses can vary, and it's crucial to adapt the dosage to your needs. Some people may not tolerate certain forms of magnesium, and in such cases, they should not continue taking it 3.
Always check with a healthcare professional before adding any kind of supplement to your routine to ensure it's appropriate for your health status and does not interfere with any medications or conditions you may have.