• Cures for insomnia

  • Sources:

    Here are several strategies mentioned in the for managing insomnia:

    1. Behavioral Adjustments:

      • Delay Bedtime: suggests delaying bedtime to build up sleep pressure, which can gradually help consolidate sleep for those waking up too early 1.
      • Sleep Hygiene: Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding screens before bed, and keeping the bedroom only for sleep and intimacy are recommended for improving sleep quality 2.
    2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI):

    3. Relaxation Techniques:

      • Techniques such as meditation, yoga nidra, and certain forms of hypnosis can help shift the nervous system from alertness to calm, aiding in falling and staying asleep 4.
    4. Supplements:

      • Magnesium Threonate, Apigenin, and Theanine: These supplements can enhance sleep by improving the speed of falling asleep and maintaining sleep 5.
      • Other supplements like melatonin, glycine, GABA, and inositol might also be considered, but it's advised to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any 5.
    5. Dietary Considerations:

      • Consuming carbohydrates in the evening can be effective for some people to promote sleep by calming the body 6.
    6. Prescription Medications:

      • For persistent insomnia, some medications like doxepin and trazodone might be prescribed, but they should be considered with caution and under medical supervision 1.

    By combining these strategies, individuals can potentially improve their sleep quality and manage insomnia more effectively. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to sleep routines or starting new treatments.