• I have a question about this episode How to Use Exercise to Improve Your Brain’s Health, Longevity & Performance and this Eccentric Training Insights What are exercises for eccentric training?

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    Eccentric training involves focusing on the lengthening phase of a movement, often called the negative or lowering phase. Here are some exercises and insights on how to effectively incorporate eccentric training:

    1. Explosive Jumping with Controlled Eccentric Landings: This involves jumping up onto a box or platform and then jumping down while controlling the descent to emphasize the eccentric portion. It can be done safely on a mat, lawn, or dirt to minimize impact. Starting with lower boxes is advised to prevent injury and increase in soreness associated with eccentric exercises 1.

    2. Eccentric Focused Strength Training: Incorporating eccentric-only exercises like lowering a weight slowly (e.g., in a pull-up where you focus on the lowering phase). This can help in muscle activation and strength development. Such exercises often require a longer recovery due to increased soreness from the higher force output during eccentric phases 2.

    3. Standard Eccentric Protocols: Using a controlled lowering phase in exercises like bench presses or rows. An example protocol is using a tempo of 3-1-1, where you lower the weight for three seconds (eccentric), pause for one second, and lift explosively (concentric) 3.

    4. Eccentric Overload Training: This advanced technique involves using more weight than your one rep max for the eccentric phase, with the help of spotters, focusing solely on lowering the weight slowly. This method can significantly enhance strength development by leveraging the body's natural strength in eccentric movements 4.

    These methods prioritize safety and progression, starting with manageable loads and gradually increasing complexity to prevent injury.