shiftwork protocols


has discussed various protocols and considerations related to shift work. Here are some points conveyed in episodes:

  1. Staying on Schedule: It's essential for shift workers to maintain a consistent schedule for at least 14 days, including weekends, if possible. Staying on the same shift for two weeks at a time can mitigate some negative health effects of shift work 1.

  2. NSDR Protocols: Non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) protocols like hypnosis and yoga nidra can be beneficial for improving sleep and managing anxiety. Practicing these can teach the nervous system how to calm down and may be particularly useful for those with disrupted sleep schedules 2.

  3. Managing Nutrition: Considering the substantial burden of disease among shift workers, proper nutrition is critical. Implementing time-restricted eating patterns and improving dietary quality can be beneficial. For example, a study discussed by Dr. showed that firefighters following a time-restricted eating pattern had improved health metrics 3 4.

    Shift Work Tips

    Andrew and Samar discuss the importance of staying consistent with your shift work schedule for at least 14 days, including weekends. Shift work can have detrimental effects on health and well-being, so negotiating with employers to stay on the same shift for two weeks at a time can be immensely beneficial. For those who don't have that level of control, Andrew provides tips for managing sleep and staying on track.
    Huberman Lab
    Find Your Temperature Minimum to Defeat Jetlag, Shift Work & Sleeplessness | Huberman Lab Podcast #4
  4. Physical Health: Shift workers are far more prone to various health issues, and their lifestyle makes it difficult for them to participate in clinical trials or stick to lifestyle interventions that could mitigate these problems 5. Therefore, adapting protocols to accommodate their unique challenges is key.

  5. Light Exposure: Even dim light exposure during sleep can affect blood glucose levels and overall health, emphasizing the importance of managing light exposure for those who must sleep at unusual hours 5.

  6. Negotiating Work Schedules: If possible, negotiating with employers to maintain a stable work schedule can be immensely beneficial for health and cognitive function 1.

  7. Prevalence of Shift Work: A significant portion of the population, potentially up to half, experiences some form of shift work, including groups not traditionally recognized as shift workers, like college students and new mothers 6.

Implementing these protocols and adjustments can be crucial for shift workers to manage the negative impacts of their schedules on sleep, nutrition, and overall health.


Can you provide more details on time-restricted eating patterns for shift workers?


Time-restricted eating patterns involve limiting food intake to a specific window of time each day, which can be especially beneficial for shift workers whose schedules vary significantly. Here are some details shared by and guests on :

  1. Importance of a Consistent Eating Window: It's crucial for shift workers and others to maintain a consistent eating window for long periods, as irregularity in eating times can disrupt circadian clock mechanisms and have negative health effects 1.

  2. Recommendation for Shift Workers: Generally, a feeding window of about 8-10 hours is suggested as a starting point for time-restricted eating. Depending on one's level of physical activity, this window could be extended up to 12 hours while still yielding health benefits 2 3.

    Feeding Window Importance

    Andrew explains the importance of a consistent feeding window for circadian clock mechanisms and downstream effects of eating. He advises allowing a transition period to shift the feeding window gradually and maintaining a regular feeding schedule for at least 30 days. The episode highlights data from the My Circadian Clock experiment and emphasizes the importance of strict start and stop times for calorie intake.
    Huberman Lab
    Effects of Fasting & Time Restricted Eating on Fat Loss & Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #41
  3. Addressing Shift Work Challenges: Since shift work involves unusual schedules, emphasizes the need to tailor strategies to individual circumstances, such as taking breaks and finding opportunities to eat healthily during shifts 4.

  4. Improving Nutrition Quality: A Mediterranean diet and reducing the intake of unhealthy ultra-processed foods within the eating window can contribute to better health outcomes for shift workers 4 2.

  5. Reducing Alcohol and Caffeine Dependence: Many shift workers tend to rely on alcohol at the end of their shifts and caffeine at the start to cope with the irregular schedule. Focusing on healthier habits and time-restricted eating can help mitigate this reliance 4.

  6. Eating Schedule in Relation to Exercise: Consideration of exercise timing is vital when planning the feeding window. It's recommended to have a buffer of two to three hours before sleep without eating to extract the full benefits of time-restricted eating 5 6.

  7. Maximizing Time-Restricted Feeding: Placing the feeding window in the middle of the day, such as from 10 AM to 6 PM, could maximize fat loss and metabolic health benefits, although this may not be compatible with all schedules. A reasonable alternative for some might be eating from 12 PM to 8 PM 5.

Implementing these protocols can aid shift workers in managing their nutrition effectively despite their challenging schedules. It's important to note that these guidelines might need to be adapted based on individual needs, health goals, and the specific demands of their work shifts. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to eating patterns, especially for shift workers who may have unique health considerations.


time block planner


and have discussed various aspects of time-restricted eating (TRE) for individuals, including shift workers. Here are some insights based on their discussions on :

  1. Time-Restricted Eating Basics:

    • TRE is based on the principle of eating within a certain number of hours each day and fasting for the rest. There are benefits associated with eating within an 8-10 hour window, such as improvements in metabolism and overall health 1.
  2. For Shift Workers:

    • It is important for shift workers to adopt TRE principles within the confines of their work schedule 2. Adjustments may need to be made on an individual basis, taking into account the nature of the work and the worker's sleep patterns 3.

      Time-Restricted Eating

      Satchin discusses the benefits of time-restricted eating and suggests that 8-10 hours of fasting may be the ideal spot to begin with. He also mentions a study where people who ate within 12 hours improved their nutrition quality and reduced their intake of unhealthy ultra-processed foods.
      Huberman Lab
      Dr. Satchin Panda: Intermittent Fasting to Improve Health, Cognition & Longevity | Huberman Lab
  3. Consistency and Adaptation:

    • Consistency is key to stabilizing the body's internal clock. TRE can help with this. A transition period of shifting the feeding window by about an hour each day until finding what's comfortable is suggested 4.
    • Once established, the feeding window should be maintained for at least thirty days, and ideally, indefinitely, to confer health benefits 4.
  4. Interaction with Light Exposure:

    • Light exposure and meal timing are important to regulate the circadian rhythm. suggests that light can be used to shift sleep schedules, and TRE can help align feeding schedules with one's circadian rhythm 5.
  5. Feeding Window Timing:

    • It's important to have the feeding window occur during the more active phase and ideally not close to sleep time. A two to three-hour buffer before sleeping without food intake is recommended 6.
  6. Adjusting to Different Feeding Windows:

    • Some individuals may adopt shorter feeding windows (4-6 hours), but it is important to note that this might lead to overeating during those windows. While this can produce several positive health effects, like increased insulin sensitivity and decreased blood pressure, it may not be ideal for weight management 7.
  7. Impact on Health & Nutrition:

    • TRE may also lead to an improvement in nutrition quality, as observed in a study where participants reduced their intake of unhealthy ultra-processed foods when eating within a 12-hour window 1.

For shift workers, a tailor-made TRE schedule that fits within their work and sleep cycles and considers their normal active hours is crucial. The goal is to find a TRE pattern that aligns with their lifestyle while still providing the benefits of a consistent eating pattern.


time block planner


The concept of time blocking as a planning method is discussed in detail in an episode featuring on the . Here are some insights from the episode:

  1. Multiscale Planning - Planning on multiple scales, such as daily, weekly, and quarterly, to stay focused on the bigger objectives and how they funnel down to day-to-day activity. This helps to avoid wandering aimlessly through the day and optimizes the dispersal of energy and control over time 1.

  2. Time Blocking Efficiency - advocates for time blocking, a method that involves assigning a specific task to each available time slot during the workday, rather than relying on to-do lists. This method is described as more efficient and results in a more structured and controlled approach to daily planning 2.

  3. Dedicated Blocks for Communication - Allocating specific blocks of time for emails and social media within a time block plan allows for better management of distractions and a clearer focus on the task at hand. emphasizes that following the plan strictly helps to reduce decision fatigue 3.

    Efficient Multiscale Planning

    Cal and Andrew discuss the power of multiscale planning, emphasizing the importance of setting objectives on daily, weekly, and seasonal scales. By breaking down tasks and commitments into manageable blocks, they advocate for a structured approach to maximize productivity and focus.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Cal Newport: How to Enhance Focus and Improve Productivity
  4. Fixed Schedule Productivity - introduces the concept of fixed schedule productivity, wherein work hours are fixed, and everything else downstream is planned accordingly. This approach requires innovation within those fixed hours and impacts the decisions on what to bring into one’s life 2.

  5. Visual Feedback - Visual distinctiveness in the planner, such as using thick lines around blocks for deep work, provides a clear record and feedback mechanism, allowing for adjustments if necessary. This method offers a compelling way to ensure that meaningful work is being prioritized 4.

  6. Time Restricted Approach - compares time blocking to time-restricted eating, suggesting that defining clear-cut times for activities can simplify decision-making and improve overall behavior, much like eating within a set timeframe simplifies food choices 4.

The episode with Dr. Cal Newport provides actionable advice on improving focus and productivity through structured and disciplined planning methods such as time blocking.


improve concentration focus


Improving concentration and focus can be achieved through various methods, as outlined by on the . Here are some science-based strategies you can implement:

  1. Understand Focus Mechanisms: Visualize focus as an arrow, where epinephrine/adrenaline is the shaft, acetylcholine the arrowhead, and dopamine the motivating force behind it. Epinephrine increases alertness, acetylcholine narrows focus like a spotlight, and dopamine sustains attention. All three are necessary for focus 1.

  2. Daily Meditation: A 13-minute daily meditation focusing on nasal breathing and a point just behind the forehead can significantly improve focus and concentration, mood, and reduce stress, as reported in a study by Dr. Wendy Suzuki's lab 2.

  3. Covert Focus Practice: Use covert focus to improve concentration. Start with focusing on an overt visual location for 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration daily. This primes the neural circuits responsible for focus 3.

    Improving Focus

    Andrew discusses how to improve focus and concentration using science-based protocols and the three neurochemicals necessary for focus: epinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine. He uses a metaphorical arrow to explain the relationship between the neurochemicals and how they work together to maintain focus.
    Huberman Lab
    Focus Toolkit: Tools to Improve Your Focus & Concentration | Huberman Lab Podcast #88
  4. Nutrition-Based Intervention: Omega-3 essential fatty acids can modulate brain function and support concentration and focus. Aim to consume 1-3 grams of EPA essential fatty acid per day through diet or supplements 4.

  5. Sleep Optimization: Ensure adequate quality sleep, as it modulates nearly every process in your brain and body and is fundamental for maintaining focus and attention 5.

  6. Stress as a Stimulant: Moderate stress can enhance cognitive performance by increasing epinephrine. A study showed stressed individuals more than doubled their concentration and performance 6.

  7. Behavioral Tools Before Supplementation: Prioritize behavioral methods and nutrition for improving focus before resorting to supplements or prescription drugs. Training neural circuits behaviorally can significantly improve focus and concentration abilities 7.

Remember that establishing a routine that includes these practices may help you significantly improve your concentration and focus over time.