Does it matter if I go to sleep one hour earlier that usual if I am 18 years old and want to maximize muscle growth and growth hormone?
Going to sleep about an hour earlier to maintain a consistent bedtime can significantly benefit muscle growth and growth hormone release, especially at your age. The first deep sleep cycle is critical for growth hormone release, and it generally occurs early in the night. explains that if you miss this initial phase by going to bed later, you might miss a significant bolus of growth hormone, which is important for muscle growth and protein synthesis 1.
Consistent sleep schedules help synchronize your body's internal clock, optimizing the timing of growth hormone release and ensuring you get the most from your sleep in terms of recovery and growth 1. Additionally, enhancing deep sleep by avoiding food and alcohol before bedtime can further improve growth hormone secretion. Moreover, maintaining regular bedtimes and wake times is associated with better neurological health as you age 2.