How often should i reward myself even using random intermittent reward


To maintain ongoing motivation using random intermittent rewards, it is important not to reward yourself every time you achieve a goal or complete a task. suggests using a strategy where the reward is given randomly, not predictably. This approach keeps motivation high and prevents the reward system from becoming dull.

For practical application, you could employ a method as simple as flipping a coin to decide whether to reward yourself after completing a task or achieving a milestone. If the coin lands on heads, give yourself a reward; if it lands on tails, move on to the next task without a reward. This randomness helps in harnessing your internal motivation system optimally.

Remember, the key is that the reward should not follow a predictable pattern, as this randomness better engages the dopamine system, which is crucial for maintaining long-term motivation 1 2.

Achieving Ongoing Motivation

Andrew Huberman explains how to incorporate the mechanics of the Dopamine system to achieve ongoing motivation by using random intermittent reinforcement. He discusses the importance of rewarding oneself randomly and not relying on consistent rewards, and explores the cognitive rewarding of one's own efforts as a means of motivation.

Huberman Lab

Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast

So there are six tasks a day so should i flip a coin for each of them


Yes, if you have six tasks to complete in a day and you're employing a coin flip method for each task to decide on rewarding yourself, this could be effective in maintaining high motivation. recommends using randomness in rewarding to help harness the power of dopamine effectively. You would flip the coin after each completed task. If it lands on heads, you reward yourself; if it lands on tails, you do not. This method helps keep your brain engaged and motivated by the unpredictability of the reward 1.

Achieving Ongoing Motivation

Andrew Huberman explains how to incorporate the mechanics of the Dopamine system to achieve ongoing motivation by using random intermittent reinforcement. He discusses the importance of rewarding oneself randomly and not relying on consistent rewards, and explores the cognitive rewarding of one's own efforts as a means of motivation.

Huberman Lab

Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast

What should be the rewards


Here are some examples of rewards you might consider for completing tasks, based on the dopamine-driven motivation system discussed by :

  1. Tasty Treats: Enjoying your favorite snack or a piece of chocolate can be a great reward, especially if it’s something you look forward to.
  2. Leisure Time: Allocate some time to indulge in a hobby or activity you love, such as reading, gaming, or crafting.
  3. Social Media Time: If you find yourself constantly checking social media, use it as a reward for completing a task.
  4. Physical Activity: For some, a quick walk, a session of yoga, or some time in the gym can be a rewarding break.
  5. Entertainment: Watch an episode of your favorite series, a movie, or listen to a podcast.
  6. Small Purchases: Treat yourself to something small yet satisfying, like a new book, a gadget, or an item of clothing.

Remember, the key to using rewards effectively is to ensure they are truly motivating and enjoyable for you. Associating these rewards with task completion can help leverage the dopamine surge for increased motivation 1. Adjust the rewards based on what keeps you consistently motivated and engaged.

Forming Habits

Andrew explains how to positively associate reward mechanisms in your brain with the timing before and after a habit to form habits effectively. He also emphasizes that dopamine is a molecule of motivation and drive, not feeling good.

Huberman Lab

The Science of Making & Breaking Habits | Huberman Lab Podcast #53

So i would get 3 rewards every day is that bit too much

The frequency and type of rewards you choose can depend heavily on your goals and the nature of the tasks you're completing. While doesn't specifically address having three rewards per day, here are some considerations based on the general principles he discusses regarding motivation and reward systems:

  • Task Complexity and Length: If your tasks are short and relatively simple, frequent small rewards might be more beneficial. In contrast, for longer and more complex tasks, fewer, more significant rewards could be more motivating.

  • Sustaining Motivation: Too frequent rewards could potentially diminish their value or effectiveness over time. It's important to keep rewards exciting and meaningful.

  • Personal Tendency: Be aware of personal tendencies towards procrastination or distraction. If multiple rewards lead to excessive breaks or distractions, reducing the frequency might be helpful.

  • Balanced Approach: Consider a balanced approach, perhaps starting with fewer rewards and adjusting based on how effective they are in helping you maintain productivity and motivation.

It might be useful to experiment with the number and type of rewards to find what optimally supports your productivity and well-being.


How does the frequency of rewards affect productivity?


The frequency of rewards plays a crucial role in maintaining motivation and enhancing productivity. According to , random intermittent rewards are particularly effective. This approach helps in keeping motivation high over longer periods and increases the chance of successfully achieving goals. This type of reinforcement helps to both build and reinforce neural circuits related to goal pursuit and achievement, making it a powerful strategy for long-term success 1.

Maintaining Motivation

Discover the key to maintaining ongoing motivation and achieving goals as Andrew explains the importance of self-reward and the impact of neuroplasticity on our ability to pursue and achieve goals. Learn how to create a positive cognitive loop and utilize random intermittent rewards to stay motivated and increase the probability of success in the long run.

Huberman Lab

Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast

Are there any opposing opinions on the effect of reward frequency on productivity?


Currently, there are no clips specifically discussing opposing opinions about the effect of reward frequency on productivity in the database. The available material primarily supports the effectiveness of random intermittent rewards in enhancing productivity and goal achievement, as outlined by 1. This method is highlighted as particularly effective in maintaining motivation and improving the likelihood of long-term success.

Maintaining Motivation

Discover the key to maintaining ongoing motivation and achieving goals as Andrew explains the importance of self-reward and the impact of neuroplasticity on our ability to pursue and achieve goals. Learn how to create a positive cognitive loop and utilize random intermittent rewards to stay motivated and increase the probability of success in the long run.

Huberman Lab

Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast

I am just 17 and my hairline is receding on my left side of forhead about the scalp what should i do


Given your concern about your receding hairline at age 17, it's essential to first consider any underlying factors, which could range from genetics to lifestyle choices. Here's some relevant advice from the :

Understanding Hair Loss

Hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, is typically influenced by the density of androgen receptors in different parts of the scalp. This density is genetically predetermined, and areas with higher densities tend to lose hair more quickly 1. It's also worth noting that DHT (dihydrotestosterone) plays a significant role in pattern hair loss. Higher levels of DHT can promote hair loss in areas with more androgen receptors.

Potential Interventions

  1. Lifestyle Adjustments: Ensuring good sleep, and managing stress levels can positively affect your overall hormonal balance.
  2. Supplementation: Creatine supplementation has been discussed for its role in testosterone levels but was also mentioned in relation to increasing Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels. However, it's not linked directly to accelerating hair loss more than it would occur naturally 2.

Medical Options

If considering medications, there are drugs like Propecia which intervene in the DHT pathway, potentially halting the progression of hair loss. However, these can sometimes affect sex drive and general vigor. Topical DHT antagonists might be a viable alternative if you're concerned about systemic effects 3.

Hair Loss and Androgen Receptors

Andrew explains why hair loss occurs in certain regions of the body and how the density of androgen receptors affects it. He also discusses the relationship between androgen receptors and beard growth, and how inhibiting DHT can help prevent hair loss.

Huberman Lab

The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair | Huberman Lab Podcast

General Advice

Given your age, it would be advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to get a proper diagnosis and discuss tailored treatment options. They could provide a comprehensive approach considering your specific condition and medical history.


Are there any natural remedies for preventing hair loss?


There are indeed natural remedies discussed on the that could help in preventing hair loss. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Saw Palmetto (Salt Palmetto): This herb is known for its ability to reduce the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone associated with hair loss. It's suggested to take about 300 milligrams of Saw Palmetto per day, divided into smaller doses 1.

  2. Herbal Compounds: Other herbal compounds like Tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis have been mentioned for their effects on hormones, which could indirectly support hair health. However, the effects on hair growth specifically can be hard to gauge due to the variety of ingredients often present in these supplements 1.

  3. Improving Insulin Sensitivity: Managing insulin sensitivity is another approach. Supplements like Myo-inositol (around 900 milligrams) can improve insulin sensitivity and might indirectly support hair health by promoting a healthy hormonal environment 2.

  4. Caffeine: Topically applied caffeine can stimulate hair growth or at least halt hair loss. It works as a potent PDE inhibitor, indirectly enhancing IGF One, which is beneficial for hair growth. The application should be done several times a week as too frequent use isn't necessary 3.

    Herbal Hair Growth

    Andrew discusses the use of Salt Palmetto for hair loss prevention and growth, as well as the potential effectiveness of herbal compounds for increasing hair growth. While the specific effects of these compounds are difficult to determine due to their combination with other ingredients, their low cost and availability make them worth considering.

    Huberman Lab

    The Science of Healthy Hair, Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair | Huberman Lab Podcast

Always consider consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement or treatment to ensure it's appropriate for your specific health situation.


Something else


Exploring different types of visual perception, including panoramic and focused vision, could be a beneficial biohacking practice. As discussed by and Ido Portal, our modern culture often emphasizes narrow visual focus due to activities like reading and using digital devices. This can lead to visual deficits such as myopia (1). Balancing this with open, panoramic vision involves broader visual awareness and could improve overall visual health and prevent issues associated with too much focused vision.

In addition, managing light exposure, particularly UVB light, has been suggested to enhance various bodily functions, including immune response and even accelerating the turnover of skin and hair cells, leading to healthier hair and skin (2).

Vision and Awareness

Andrew and Ido discuss the importance of exploring different types of vision, from panoramic to focused, and the benefits of balancing out our culture's emphasis on narrow focus with more open awareness. They also touch on how lack of panoramic vision can lead to visual deficits like myopia.

Huberman Lab

Ido Portal: The Science & Practice of Movement | Huberman Lab Podcast #77

Right now i am prety lazy and all so i decide to do this challenge called dopamine detox which is for 7 days i should not watch porn no yourube and only 1 hr screen time and 10 mins meditation. it said doing this will change my life after and all that i would not be lazy but i am on dayone right now and its almost noon i still dont feel motivated and all and it also said to go on a monkmode of 21 days after these 7 days that is no porn ,no anime, no junkfood otherthan what i give myself as reward,10 min meditation,30 min exersise and 30 hours work a week


Starting a dopamine detox, as you described, involves significant changes in your behavior and habits, particularly related to reducing high-dopamine activities like watching porn, YouTube, or indulging in excessive screen time. According to , activities that generate high levels of dopamine, such as viewing pornography, can negatively affect real-world interactions due to the high levels of dopamine they release. This can make it difficult to achieve similar levels of dopamine satisfaction from other activities, potentially leading to challenges in romantic interactions if pornography is consumed frequently (1).

It's important to understand that the effects of such detoxes might not be immediately apparent, especially on the first day. According to , the reset of dopamine systems involves a significant period of discomfort and craving, particularly during the early days of abstaining from addictive behaviors (2). The idea is that by temporarily reducing these high-dopamine activities, you are allowing your dopamine system to recalibrate, which can eventually lead to higher overall satisfaction and motivation from everyday activities.

Regarding your future plan to enter a "monk mode," which includes no porn, no anime, controlled diet, regular exercise, and work, these structured and disciplined routines can indeed be beneficial. Incorporating activities such as exercise, which naturally boosts dopamine in a healthy way, and maintaining a balanced diet can support better overall mental and physical health. Meditation, although not directly a high dopamine-inducing activity, can be effortful and helps in controlling procrastination and enhancing focus (3).

Porn and Dopamine

Andrew explains how the intensity of pornography can negatively shape real-world romantic and sexual interactions by affecting dopamine levels. The discussion is not about passing judgment on pornography but understanding the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. Many people who regularly indulge in pornography experience challenges in real-world romantic interactions.

Huberman Lab

Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction | Huberman Lab Podcast #39

It's essential to approach these changes with realistic expectations and understand that the benefits might become more apparent over time rather than immediately.


How should I manage my expectations during the initial phase of a dopamine detox?

During the initial phase of a dopamine detox, managing your expectations is crucial for maintaining motivation and perseverance through the process. Here are some important points to consider, based on the information discussed in previous episodes of the :

  1. Expect Discomfort: Initially, when reducing dopamine-inducing activities, you might experience discomfort or increased cravings. This is a normal response as your brain adjusts to lower levels of dopamine stimulation.

  2. Slow and Gradual Benefits: The benefits of a dopamine detox such as increased motivation, focus, and overall satisfaction from day-to-day activities may take time to manifest. It's important to be patient and not expect immediate transformations.

  3. Incorporate Supportive Practices: During this period, it is beneficial to incorporate practices that support dopamine regulation in healthy ways. Exercise, sunlight exposure, and maintaining a regulated sleep schedule can help manage mood and energy levels.

  4. Mindful Monitoring: Keep a journal or log to monitor your progress, noting any changes in your mood, energy levels, and cravings. This can help in tracking improvements over time and adjusting your approach as needed.

  5. Be Kind to Yourself: It's important to approach this detox with a mindset of self-compassion. If you slip up or find certain days particularly challenging, remember that adjustment takes time and gradual effort.

Each individual's experience with dopamine detox can vary, so adjust your approach based on what feels sustainable and beneficial for you personally.


Is there any scientific evidence supporting dopamine detox?


The concept of a "dopamine detox" or "dopamine fast" is discussed in the context of managing addiction and understanding dopamine's role in compulsive behaviors. and address how dopamine influences behaviors and the process of relapse during periods of recovery. They discuss a typical 30 to 40-day detox, where initially there might be severe discomfort, followed by gradual improvements. However, relapses can occur due to dopamine spikes associated with positive events, not just negative ones. This shows that our brains can convert deliberate actions into reflexive behaviors to conserve energy needed for decision-making, underlining the profound impact dopamine has on our behavior 1.

While scientific studies specifically validating the concept of "dopamine detox" in this manner are not cited, the discussion provides an insight into how dopamine dynamics can influence behavior, potentially supporting some benefits of reducing dopamine-triggering activities to manage compulsive behaviors and improve overall mental state.

Dopamine and Relapse

Anna and Andrew discuss how addiction is not a choice, but rather an unconscious mechanism driven by dopamine. They explore the concept of relapse and how it can happen even during a great stretch of life due to the dopamine associated with a win.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Anna Lembke: Understanding & Treating Addiction | Huberman Lab Podcast #33

So what i explained earlier the dopamine detox and monkmode will it help

The concept of a "dopamine detox," as previously discussed, involves reducing exposure to stimuli that excessively trigger dopamine release, potentially helping with issues like addiction or compulsive behaviors. However, direct scientific evidence or specific protocols for a so-called dopamine detox, especially in the form of "monk mode" (which typically refers to an extended period of solitude and abstention from most external pleasures and stimulations), is not explicitly covered in the discussions by .

The potential benefits of such approaches might involve improving focus, reducing compulsive behaviors, and increasing self-control through decreased dependency on high-dopamine activities. However, these are broader behavioral principles rather than strict scientific endorsements of the "dopamine detox" or "monk mode" practices. Therefore, while reducing stimuli can help manage dopamine-related issues, it's important to approach this with a balanced and well-considered perspective, possibly under professional guidance or with more research-based approaches for addressing behaviors related to dopamine dysregulation.


Right now i am prety lazy and all so i decide to do this challenge called dopamine detox which is for 7 days i should not watch porn no yourube and only 1 hr screen time and 10 mins meditation. it said doing this will change my life after and all that i would not be lazy but i am on dayone right now and its almost noon i still dont feel motivated and all and it also said to go on a monkmode of 21 days after these 7 days that is no porn ,no anime, no junkfood otherthan what i give myself as reward,10 min meditation,30 min exersise and 30 hours work a week


The process of reducing certain activities, like watching excessive amounts of digital content, is intended to regulate dopamine levels, potentially helping restore your enthusiasm and drive over time. The idea is that by reducing the frequency of dopamine spikes from high-stimulation activities, you might help to stabilize your dopamine baseline.

As explained by , engaging in high dopamine spiking activities can lead to a drop in dopamine baseline over time, which might manifest as feeling less pleasure from daily activities and an overall drop in motivation. He suggests that taking breaks from these behaviors could help replenish dopamine levels and restore a healthy baseline, enhancing feelings of motivation and reducing symptoms that mimic ADHD 1.

If you're feeling unmotivated on your first day, it may be due to the adjustment period where your brain is recalibrating its dopamine response. The benefits of such detoxes often aren't immediate and can require persistence and patience.

Moreover, incorporating activities that boost dopamine in a regulated way, such as deliberate cold exposure, can be beneficial. This method, like taking a cold shower or plunge, has been shown to increase baseline dopamine levels significantly for extended periods 2. This might provide a more sustained effect on improving motivation and mental energy.

Consistency and integrating these practices into your daily routine gradually might help you achieve more sustained results, rather than expecting immediate transformations. Making such changes requires an understanding of the balancing act between engaging in pleasurable activities and managing their impact on our dopamine levels to maintain a healthy mental state.

Maintaining Dopamine Levels

Andrew explains how engaging in activities that spike dopamine levels can lead to a drop in baseline levels, causing a lack of pleasure in everyday activities. He suggests taking a break from these activities to replenish the releasable pool of dopamine and maintain a healthy baseline. He also shares an example of a friend who fasted from phone, video games, and social media for 30 days to replenish his dopamine levels and improve his mood and concentration.

Huberman Lab

Controlling Your Dopamine For Motivation, Focus & Satisfaction | Huberman Lab Podcast #39

Could you give me some tips on how to stay motivated during a dopamine detox?

Staying motivated during a dopamine detox can be challenging because you're essentially resetting your brain's reward system. Here are some generalized strategies that might help:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Begin with clear, manageable goals. Knowing exactly what you need to accomplish each day can help you stay focused and motivated.

  2. Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes your detox requirements like limited screen time and meditation. Routines can reduce the mental effort needed to get things done.

  3. Engage in Low-Dopamine Activities: Incorporate activities that don't cause significant dopamine spikes but are still enjoyable. Reading, light exercise, cooking, or engaging in hobbies can be alternatives that help keep your mind engaged.

  4. Mindful Meditation: Since you've included meditation in your detox, try to practice it mindfully. Meditation can enhance self-awareness and reduce cravings for high-dopamine activities.

  5. Physical Exercise: Regular physical activity can boost your mood and energy levels, increasing your motivation. Even short walks or light workouts can be beneficial.

  6. Social Support: Share your goals with friends or family who can provide encouragement and accountability.

  7. Track Your Progress: Keep a journal of your daily activities and feelings. Seeing your progress can be a motivational boost.

  8. Reward System: Since your detox plan includes rewards, use them wisely. Set specific criteria for what earns a reward and make sure these rewards don’t counteract your detox goals.

Being patient and recognizing that changes in brain chemistry and habits take time are crucial. The benefits might not be immediate, but with persistence, you should start experiencing positive changes.


What should i do when i get the urges espicially due to porn


Managing urges related to pornography involves understanding the underlying triggers and effectively redirecting your focus and energy. Here are some specific strategies discussed in the Huberman Lab Podcast:

  1. Self-Regulation Tools: Employ strategies that help regulate your access to triggers. For instance, discusses using tools that shut him out from the internet completely to maintain focus and productivity, which can be adapted to avoid pornography and other distractions 1.

  2. Understanding and Managing Arousal: Recognize that arousal, whether from stress, anxiety, or triggers like pornography, requires management. The discussion between and highlights how individuals often try to change their emotional state or the past with repetitive behaviors, which includes viewing pornography. They suggest focusing on healthy methods of managing arousal like telling your story, engaging in healthy catharsis, or professional therapy if needed 2.

  3. Boosting Willpower: Enhance your willpower to avoid giving in to urges. explains that willpower requires significant neural energy and effort to override habitual responses. Implementing regular habits that align with your goals can help strengthen your willpower over time 3.

    Productivity Tips

    Andrew shares his tips for staying focused and productive, including shutting off the internet and phone, and using the physiological connection between the bladder and brain to increase alertness. He emphasizes the importance of getting into a tunnel of quality work and self-regulating distractions.

    Huberman Lab

    Maximizing Productivity, Physical & Mental Health with Daily Tools | Huberman Lab Podcast #28

By utilizing these strategies, you can better manage the urges related to pornography and channel your focus toward healthier and more constructive behaviors.


How can I better understand and manage arousal?


Understanding and managing arousal involves recognizing that arousal, such as anger, is automatically triggered by our environment and isn't always within our immediate control. This arousal is a physiological response and can manifest as anger, anxiety, or other forms of emotional intensity. Here are key insights and strategies for managing arousal:

  1. Defining Affect and Feeling: explains that 'affect' is the initial arousal (like anger or anxiety) triggered by an event, which is beyond our control. 'Feeling' is how we process this affect internally and relate it to ourselves. Managing arousal involves understanding these distinctions and working on our response to the initial 'affect' to change long-term reactions by living a better, healthier life 1.

  2. Dealing with the Past: Often, our reactions, such as arousal, are deep-set attempts to change or deal with past experiences. Recognizing that we can't change the past but can control how we respond in the present is crucial. Options to manage arousal include healthy catharsis, telling your story, or seeking professional therapy to process these feelings safely and constructively 2.

These steps and understandings can empower you to manage arousal more effectively by restructuring how you respond to it internally and in your actions.

Understanding and Managing Anger

Gain insights into the nature of anger and how to work with it in a way that promotes self-care. Discover the difference between affect and feeling, and learn how taking care of ourselves can reduce the intensity of anger.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Paul Conti: Tools and Protocols for Mental Health | Huberman Lab Guest Series

How should i face the urge and craving for porn


To face the urge and craving for porn, understanding how desires influence our behaviors and how to manage them effectively is crucial. Here are key insights and strategies discussed by :

  1. Understanding Desire and Dopamine: Desire for specific triggers (like porn) increases dopamine, which initially motivates us towards that behavior. Importantly, once the dopamine level drops below baseline after the initial spike, it triggers a stronger motivation to return to the behavior to increase dopamine again. Recognizing this mechanism can help you consciously manage and resist cravings by avoiding the triggers or channeling the desire into more productive activities 1.

  2. Behavioral Barriers: Creating behavioral barriers is another effective strategy. This can include tactics like deliberately removing easy access to the material, similar to deleting and reinstalling an app only when needed. This small barrier can greatly reduce the frequency of indulging in the behavior 2.

  3. Leveraging Discomfort: Applying strategies that involve a degree of discomfort, such as taking cold showers, can shift the dopamine levels favorably and help manage the craving effectively. This approach taps into the body's response systems to alter the craving state through physical sensory impact 3.

    Understanding Desire

    Andrew explains how desire for things increases dopamine, but then the drop in dopamine below baseline triggers the motivation to pursue the desired thing, leading to context dependent craving and pursuit. He emphasizes that understanding reward, prediction error, and craving can help increase motivation, especially in difficult situations and procrastination.

    Huberman Lab

    Leverage Dopamine to Overcome Procrastination & Optimize Effort | Huberman Lab Podcast
  4. Routine Body Scans: Performing routine body scans can shift focus from external stimuli (like porn) to internal bodily sensations (interoception). This approach might reduce cravings by focusing attention away from external desirable objects to internal bodily awareness, thereby breaking the 'interceptive extra-receptive tether' that often amplifies cravings 4.

By utilizing these strategies, you can actively manage and potentially reduce the urge and craving for porn, leading to better control over your behavioral choices.


Guide me through a routine body scan.


To guide you through a routine body scan, a mindfulness practice that shifts focus from external stimuli to internal bodily sensations, follow these steps:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet and comfortable place where you can either sit or lie down without distractions.

  2. Begin with a Deep Breath: Start by taking a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Focus on the sensation of air entering and leaving your body.

  3. Scan Your Body: Start at the top of your head and gradually move your attention down to your toes. Take your time to focus on each part of your body. Notice any sensations, tensions, or discomfort.

  4. Acknowledge Sensations: As you notice sensations, acknowledge them without judgment. If you find areas of tension, consciously try to relax them.

  5. Breathe Into Each Area: With each breath, imagine sending oxygen and relaxation to the part of your body you are focusing on. This can help release tension.

  6. Continue Downward: Move slowly from one part to the next—your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, legs, and feet. Spend a few moments on each area.

  7. End With Reflection: Once you've scanned your entire body, take a moment to reflect on the overall sensation of your body in a relaxed state.

  8. Gradually Return: Don't rush to get up. Slowly bring your attention back to your surroundings and move gently.

A routine body scan can help redirect attention from cravings or external desires, such as the urge for porn, to internal states, fostering greater awareness and control over bodily responses. This practice helps in breaking the cycle of craving by focusing attention inward and calming the mind.