• Treatments for seasonal affective disorder

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    To manage seasonal affective disorder (SAD), bright light therapy is a well-recognized treatment. It involves exposure to very bright light, particularly in the morning, using devices often marketed as SAD lamps. These lamps emit more than 10,000 lux and have been effective in reducing the symptoms of SAD by regulating the body's internal clock and impacting mood centers in the brain 1.

    suggests increasing exposure to bright light during the morning as a strategy to combat seasonal depression. This can trick your brain into perceiving longer daylight hours during shorter winter days, which can stabilize melatonin levels and improve mood. For those who cannot access natural light, an alternative is using bright artificial light sources like a 900 lux drawing tablet for about five to ten minutes in the morning 2.

    Additionally, regular outdoor activity and exercise, such as zone two cardio, are recommended. These activities not only help to mitigate the symptoms of depression but also operate on shared biochemical pathways with some antidepressants 3. Incorporating these practices can be beneficial alongside maintaining consistent sleep patterns, which is foundational for mental health 4.