how to sleep and get enough sleep


To improve your sleep and ensure you get enough of it, consider the following strategies:

1. Optimize Sleep Protocols

  • Establish regular sleep patterns by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Regularity helps anchor your sleep, making it more predictable and restful.
  • Utilize darkness effectively in your environment, as it triggers the release of melatonin, which aids in sleep onset 1.

2. Quality and Quantity of Sleep

  • It's important to get both slow wave sleep (deep sleep) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. These stages are crucial for physical recovery and emotional processing, respectively 2.
  • Utilize sleep trackers sparingly to monitor sleep patterns without becoming overly reliant on sleep scores 2.

3. Manage Diet and Exercise

  • Avoid excessive caffeine, especially in the afternoon, as it can delay sleep onset. Also, be cautious about the timing of exercise, as intense physical activity in the evening can shift your circadian rhythm, making you go to sleep later 3.

    Sleep Hygiene Basics

    Matthew emphasizes the importance of regular sleep patterns and darkness for optimal sleep quality. Consistent bedtime routines and dimming lights before sleep can significantly improve sleep onset and duration.
    Huberman Lab
    Dr. Matthew Walker: Protocols to Improve Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Guest Series

4. Relaxation Techniques

  • Incorporate relaxation methods like yoga nidra, NSDR scripts, or using apps like Reveri for calming the mind and body, which can help with falling asleep and returning to sleep if awoken during the night 3.

5. Consistency Is Key

  • Try to be consistent with your sleep schedule. Even if deviations occur, strive to sleep and wake within an hour of your usual times to maintain circadian rhythm stability 4.

These strategies, drawn from the recommendations by and sleep expert , offer a comprehensive approach to improving sleep quality and duration.


What if I don’t have deep sleep during the night?


If you're not experiencing deep sleep during the night, there are several strategies you can consider to help improve your sleep quality:

1. Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

NSDR techniques, including yoga nidra and meditation, can be effectively used to mimic some of the rejuvenating effects of deep sleep. Practicing NSDR during the day or in the evening can help enhance relaxation and potentially improve sleep depth when you go to bed 1.

2. Optimize Your Sleeping Environment

Ensure your sleeping environment supports deep sleep. This includes maintaining a cool room temperature, using blackout curtains to eliminate light, and reducing noise levels. A comfortable mattress and pillows also contribute to better sleep quality.

3. Avoid Stimulants and Heavy Meals Before Bed

Consuming caffeine or heavy meals close to bedtime can interfere with the ability to enter deep sleep phases. Try to limit caffeine consumption to the morning hours and avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours before going to sleep.

4. Establish a Pre-Sleep Routine

Develop a calming pre-sleep routine that may include reading, stretching, or taking a warm bath. This helps signal to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for deep sleep.

5. Mindful Exposure to Light

Manage your exposure to light during the day. Getting sunlight exposure in the morning and avoiding bright screens close to bedtime can help regulate your natural sleep-wake cycle, thereby promoting better deep sleep 2.

6. Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can promote better sleep, including increased deep sleep. However, try to avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime as it might have the opposite effect 3.

Mastering Deep Rest

Discover the transformative practice of non-sleep deep rest (NSDR) and its benefits for relaxation and sleep quality. Explore practical tips for improving sleep hygiene, including fluid intake and dietary choices, while considering the role of supplements like theanine and inositol. Learn the importance of avoiding time-checking during nighttime awakenings and try various relaxation techniques to enhance your sleep experience.
Huberman Lab
AMA #14: 2023 Philanthropy, Evening Routine, Light Therapy, Health Metrics & More

Implementing these practices consistently can help improve the quality of your deep sleep. If difficulties persist, it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare provider to rule out underlying sleep disorders.


what if my new boss rudely manipulates, devalues, insults, but at the same time promises to teach me to work well. How should I evaluate this approach? as a challenge or as a threat to my self-esteem?

In the situation you described, it's essential to evaluate both the short-term and long-term impact on your well-being and career. Here are some perspectives to consider:

1. Personal Values and Boundaries

Reflect on your personal values and boundaries. If the behavior of your boss conflicts significantly with these, it might consistently lead to stress and dissatisfaction, affecting your mental health and self-esteem.

2. Professional Growth vs. Personal Cost

While the promise of learning and professional growth is appealing, weigh it against the emotional and psychological cost. Continuous exposure to manipulative and devaluing behavior can be damaging to your self-confidence and professional performance.

3. Seek External Opinions

Sometimes, talking to a mentor or peers in your industry can provide a fresh perspective. They can offer insights on whether such behavior is common in your field and how it's generally dealt with.

4. Potential for Change

Evaluate whether there is potential for change. Can you have an open conversation with your boss about how their behavior affects you? Sometimes, setting clear communication about your feelings and expectations can lead to improvements.

5. Long-Term Career Goals

Consider how this job fits into your long-term career goals. If the skills and experience gained here are crucial for your career path, you might decide to find strategies to cope while keeping an eye on future opportunities.

Ultimately, it is a personal decision whether to view this as a challenge to overcome or a threat to your self-esteem. If the negatives outweigh the positives considerably, it might be a signal to consider other opportunities where you are respected and valued. Remember, no job is worth sacrificing your mental health and dignity.


What if my ex-boss evaluated my professional skills as good, regularly old me that I performed well. By my new boss tells that ex boss was crap, and we worked bad, we are not good professionals. And new boss does this in rude, manipulative manner, devalues our achievements , insults, but at the same time tells that she will breaks us and will teach us to work well. How should I evaluate this approach? as a challenge or as a threat to my self-esteem?

When a new boss significantly changes the evaluation of your work and employs devaluing or insulting communication methods, it's crucial to assess the situation carefully:

1. Assess Motivations and Accuracy

It's important to understand whether your new boss's claims have any factual basis or if they are purely a reflection of a differing management style or personal bias. Sometimes, new managers bring in change, which can be harsh but aimed at improvement. However, the approach should still be respectful.

2. Impact on Self-Esteem and Mental Health

Regular exposure to negative criticism, especially if it's delivered in a manipulative or insulting manner, can be detrimental to your self-esteem and mental health. This could be considered a toxic work environment. Your well-being should be a priority.

3. Professional Standards and Environment

Consider the norms for your industry and professional environment. While demanding excellence is standard, consistent insults and devaluation are not typical characteristics of a supportive and growth-oriented work environment.

4. Feedback from Peers

Getting perspectives from colleagues may help gauge if this is a targeted issue or a general management style employed by your new boss. This insight can clarify whether the behavior is personally directed or broadly applied.

5. Opportunities for Redress or Adaptation

Look for opportunities to address the situation. This might involve speaking to HR about the communication issues, seeking mediation, or directly discussing with your boss how her style affects your team's performance and morale.


Given the nature of the feedback involving manipulation, insult, and devaluation, this behavior leans toward a threat to both team morale and individual self-esteem rather than a constructive challenge. It's beneficial to consider strategies that protect your well-being and seek environments that value and respect your contributions.